Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Love Affair of Like Bedfellows


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm probably one of the few people who likes the Bureau of Alcohol Tobbacco Firearms and Explosives in being a law abiding gun buyer I..........well let me explain.

When I was writing the time line in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord for Donald Trump to be President, I was also in working the data of the remote viewers (which Dick Allgire went pigeon on again after flying the coop in saying an American city was toast) in I found something in the matrix, worked it and unwound it, as all I want is peace in this planet world.

Well someone posted on it, and SDNY FIB got ahold of it, and I had a welcome visit from Homeland Security.As I"m an attractive person, Homeland sent out it's attractive agents as  that is just the way it is in this world in attractive people just attract each other.

Matthew Goode and Yul Brenner could not have been more pleasant, taking pictures of the Brier and laughing as they walked back to their big black SUV.

My one regret in not serving in Donald Trumps fraud regime was that I was not appointed to some office, where I would have ordered all federal law enforcement to have special pure gold badges made for them, as Bush43 gave Homeland these horrid cheap looking tin things. I think that having 5 stars, each start should get a ruby for every 10 years of service.

I digress......but fashion is every important to showing how much we value our federal police force.

Anyway, they filed the report that I was in a report and that report went all through government, so I was really popular. I noticed this when I tried purchasing a firearm............think it was a pink Rossi single action with two barrels, a girls gun.

The guy I ordered it from, was starting to look at me in wondering what was up, as I usually clear in a few minutes. Took about 20, but ATF alllowed proceed as I'm law abiding and love peace.

It took a few years for me to drop off the hot list, but ATF was always most willing to read my life history and all  of my adventures. They sent drones out to record me and there was allot of information to entertain themselves at work.

Then with this prepper stuff I started reviewing what I deemed were ncessary firearms. I sort of now live at the gun counter in the farm store, as a girl needs like a single shot 410, some kind of Magnum  PI pistol, a cheap 22 for like dispensing lead to skunks in traps and I don't know what all. I do know that everyone knows me at the gun counter and we have a nice time chatting about things. In that I learn some things about gun buying too.

A few times ago, there was this old dude, like a fossil,  like a dinosaur or he hunted dinosaurs for food back in the day, and dude was put on HOLD, because he had not bought a gun since like 1970.......I told you he was an old dude. I just don't know how any American could not buy a gun more often than that as it is healthy to buy guns as it keeps Turks employed and not blowing up America.

Anyway, he was on hold for review and had to come back. There was another gal who came in and was put on hold as her name was like the name of Michelle Obama and everyone suspects that name, so she had to come back too.

Not with La'me Cherry though. See you are asked to put down your Social Security Number so you do not get confused with like, Hunter Biden. It helps the ATF agents out in the review.

Also I'm so well known now that the ink does not dry on my computer screen before I get a proceed. The people behind the counter are boxing up and second set of eyes before I even know I have a new baby to bring home. It is really fast. I get more delays on my credit card than from the nice people at ATF.

I know that the ATF had to change their forms some as so many of these invaders are getting guns or others for them. They had to switch up as when you bought enough guns you knew which questions to answer YES or NO without reading them completely, and now I have to read theme through.

I do so well on these forms that we screwed up on one number in my information and it still went proceed. It was a simple fix on the cloud, ,but as I said, this gun buying forms are a breeze because I'm law abiding.

Now granted, I never bought an AR 15 in my life. The only real military thing I own is a Russian Saiga and that is just a civilian knock off of a military AK in just looks.

I don't buy like 10 guns at a time or any of this other stuff. I just buy rural stuff, you know things like single shot shotguns or cowboy rifles. I find these military looking items gouche and want no part of them.

I have weaned myself onto plastic stocks and things, because they are cheaper and do not rot, but I still prefer wood and guns that look like pretty things.

As I said, I'm an attractive person who buys attractive guns, so the attractive agents in government naturally know that I'm like they are and attractive people just are nice law abiding people so they should have guns.

I'm starting to think there is more to this at the BATFE, in they know the internal reports in how many invaders are being let into America for  an erase and replace war. They don't buy guns from ATF in forms, no they get them from Kiev and other places that the Pentagon gives guns away to and they sell them to gun runners and they end up in America again.


Group Reveals Invaders Tried Buying Guns Almost
48,000 TIMES In 2023

As I said ATF can do the numbers. Like 150 million invaders, hundreds of thousands are fighting age Muslim,  Chinese and Mexicans, and there just is not that big of police state out there to start an invasion army like that. Hell the Latins and Haitians eat people, so that is kind of sobering for a federal agent knowing their leg is going to be gnawed on, so the question is what can they do without losing their job or their pension.

The answer is to make sure more guns are in American hands. Now they all can not be attractive like me, but the idea is Americans are regulated, that is like a cannon crew is practiced in hitting targets. Take like John Bob Wilson who marries Taretha the black babe he met online from Chicago and they have like 4 quadroons, age 10, 8, 7 and 5 for a 6 gun household and these people hit what they are aiming at. Those 6 are more of an army than the fat pedos in the US military at present in a 1000 sexual deviants. Is like the Alamo in Davy Crockett and 7 other Americans held off like 5 million Mexicans.

American folk, as Obama called them are real go getters, they get lots of exercise thumping Bibles, getting their asses worked off by Mama Jayne doing chores, masturbating, opening beer cans and chip bags and praying to God. Teddy Roosevelt spoke of this natural America warrior and they still are around and that is what the ATF is helping arm so the ATF does not get erased and eaten by these invaders.

Of course all the good Americans will let by gones be by gones. So what if they were hunted for Jan6 and persecuted, a little terrorism, civil war and BBQ leg and we are all on the same side, happy to be allies again.

So that is the story, I really like the ATF as we get along, and by the millions of guns being sold in America, every year, the ATF is proving it likes Americans a whole bunch and values them. Now do not let this out or someone will be bothering the ATF about being patriotic and protecting America. It is our secret in this private conversation of peace and love.

It is as I have been assured, "You are in the system".

Nuff Said
