Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Warning about Objects Closer than you Think


Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv has prompted calls from many members of Congress, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), for President Biden to allow Ukraine to use US-provided missiles in strikes on Russian territory. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reportedly leading the charge within the administration to get the restriction lifted.

Russia has made clear that it could have a major response to NATO missiles hitting its territory.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If one reads the above and below quotes, you should get a slap upside the head, in realizing as Spock did in the Wrath of Kahn, that Kahn was one dimensional in attacking the Enterprise, he never evolved to attacking in the 3rd dimension, over head.

While we are pin head focused on this now going from pussy France and England not allowing the Ashkejews of Kiev to use their missiles to attack Russia illegally, the Jewish lobby of Blinken and Johnson are forcing a missile rape on the United States of Russia, and as Russia has stated it will HIT England France for missling them, Russia will hit America proper when American missiles hit Russian soil.

If one reads though what is taking place, Russia is in  place where it does not believe the propaganda of NATO weapons depletion. Russia is no going to waste 400 nuclear warheads on BFE North Dakota, when those missiles are old bait, will not fire, and Russia's S 500 will neutralize them all.

When Russia responds, it will hit real targets, but this will escalate and Russia is prepared for this. Russia has in orbit now a counter satellite system. It does not have to be a weapon like Star Wars. Russia can place into orbit a hunk of metal, moving at 60,000 mph to maintain orbit and crash it into a Star Wars platform and end that America weapon which does not exist.

Last week, Russia launched a low orbit satellite that was following the same orbit as its American counterpart.   Several months ago, the Pentagon was warning Russia against putting a weapon in space.  Maj General Pat Ryder declared that Russia’s satellite was capable of destroying other satellites and was thus a weapon of war.

In line with Ryder’s intellectual acumen, he stated:

“Certainly, we would say that we have a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the joint and combined force. And we’ll continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment.”

Translation – The US has launched space weapons and is angry that Russia would have the audacity to launch one as well albeit programmed to shadow – the Pentagons.   Such low orbit satellites can carry Directed Energy Weapons such as the one used in Maui.  Nukes can be taken out.  DEI’s are much more targeted and virtually immediate.

The US currently has over 11,500 satellites in orbit with different functions.  Of those, roughly 240 are military.  By comparison, China has 140 and Russia has 105 military satellites.  All, of course, are simply spying – not weaponized – if you believe the White House. While the US has declared the latest satellite launched by Russia to be weaponized, the statement is based on speculation and media fear mongering.   The fact that the Pentagon declared the Russia satellite a ‘deterrence’  indicates that the US is operating weapons in space despite claiming otherwise.

That is where none of you are projecting this reality to. This is not going to explode into nuclear plumes of mass volume. Long before his gets to that point, you are going to see pretty red, green and blue trails over your head, some of them nuclear power plants for destroyed Star Wars, shooting like meteors across the sky. This is where this will leap frog to, because Russia knows that everything is based in base, from GPS targeting, to Global Hawk, to communications, to drones to Star Wars.

We are going to leap frog from hyperonics to 3rd dimension low earth orbit when this goes hard. Just remember the Bible told you this. The Bible says that at Armageddon it is spears and horses. That means in the next cycle that all of that expensive technology is going to disappear forever. No more cloud. No more internet porn. No more Lame Cherry to donate too and you will be desperate to as you stole from me and satan is going to demand payment and you sold your soul. so do not be surprised in having left me for dead........a life for a life.

