Sunday, June 2, 2024

Biden to Host NATO DC Summit for Assassinating Russian Leadership


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

According to the evidence, the London Normans, New York City finance and the District of Crooks are in a desperate phase, having lost the war in Ukraine, to goad Russia into using nuclear weapons, with the objective of DC to unleash Star Wars on Russia in non nuclear weapons of mass destruction, in a calculation meant to keep Russia from launching what would be left of it's submarine and ICBM nuclear arsenals.

This all for normal people is like watching the nutty coverage of January 6th in the hysteria the CIA generated over that for intimidation, as at present London is calling for the disarming of Russia. How they will accomplish this illegal act is a London mystery, and the second part is the tribunal of this group, has gathered Russian traitors who worked for the cartel, first in Poland, to call for the assassination of the Russian leadership, now to be followed up in Washington DC in the July NATO Summit where this policy will have approval of NATO to mass murder the leaders of Russia.

Yes the cartel is seeking to entice Russia to react with nuclear arms. This is desperation.

Assassination Policy is about to become official policy of the United States of America to change the elected government of Russia by mass murder.

The Americans already know that the FBI is not going to arrest anyone at this meeting, nor arrest the Biden leadership for allowing this murderous meeting to take place. The Pentagon will not protest either. This is not a government, anywhere in the West any longer of the People. This is international criminals making assassination warfare a policy.

Russian response in this will be logical,  A Keep Calm and Putin On, as in all honesty, Russia just has to keep coloring in the lines, as time is running out in the West, due to their cartel overthrow of the nation states for a super global regime in Europe. Pull down America, and she is being pulled down, she will not be viable for a war with Russia and be broken, so the threat to Russia will cease. Russia will win by default by keeping calm, projecting what it is in taxing resources of the West with astute arming of allies and the continued strengthening of BRICS. If Russia can keep from exposing herself for the next 18 months the odds for Russian victory increase 90%.

Granted these squat assassins of NATO Russian traitors are not going to depart without party gifts in they will hit the soft targets of Russian allies in Belarus and the Balkans to goad Russia out but these are contingencies which the Kremlin must provide FSB security support to keep stability in these regions.

Russia has proven time and again, that with little flare they can change the entire format of NATO. The example of a Reaper over the Blac  Sea, being thrust blown out of the sky by a Russian 31 jet, had the Americans running in panic in their drones disappeared, to be replaced by a very expensive British recon plane and two very expensive NATO fighters escorting. Complete confirmation that the District of Crooks liked again in that drone was not knocked down as now fighter escorts had to be dispatched to keep further fly by events from taking place.

What was a rather inexpensive terror program by America, became in one fly by a flight which costs the British millions of dollars.

Russia is already responding with ending diplomatic contacts with DC and the EU.. There are options which are available in hunting down these Russians who are engaging in far worse than trespassing on Jan6 which unleashed the FBI. An alternative would be for a Russian ally to fund a like group of Irish or Scots, intent on disarming England and finding a shelf life for the Normans. The assassination box  has two ends and works both ways. This is why one never engages in this, no more than hunting down the opposition in your country as on Jan6 as they will regain power in some form and begin hunting down their perpetrators. It is though an outlaw world now and what America would never have engaged in under Ronald Reagan is the world of this Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden Berliner Boyz club.

The US Congress as the FBI will not make arrests, should be the ones to cut off all NATO funding and Biden funding until this assassination doctrine is condemned and ended. It should, but it will never do it in this corrupt Ziongelical environment of lawlessness.

This meeting should never take place on American soil. It is lawlessness which is denounced here.

* Do you remember that nutty Slavia diplomat who was ranting about a Black Swan event and that Russia would disappear? Now we know what that pillow talk was about.


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