Saturday, June 8, 2024

Growing Ginger

I'm Ginger the girl Gilligan, not that weed!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was on  a prepper site on April 4th, and it was telling me things you should have to barter.

First as I have told you get that barter shit out of your brains. Christian virtue also disappears in a meltdown. You be compassionate or gregarious and you are going to go Darwin raped or dead.

As I was looking at the links on the side in other stories, I noticed one about growing ginger. Great idea as I wanted to do I read the article, I noticed 3 CENTIMETERS of dirt were used as covering.

What the fuck is that? That is not American, that is English. This blog has alerted you that there are 3 major prepper sites, two from England and one from Oz which is telling Americans how to survive in America and these fuckheads are NOT IN THE UNITED STATES. They don't know shit and in this age of intelligence community misdirection, I believe this is MI6 trying to get Americans killed, as you start trading with people it means you have things and people will come and take those things over your dead body.

You are going to have to start practicing that you do not have a thing. Anne mentioned she is like me in she wears the old coat around shopping as we do not want people knowing what we have already. Your conversations to survive are going to be lying. You are always starving. You last ate a rat that drown in your water pail. You boil grass to have something and shit like a you don't need toilet paper. You be gouche, raunchy, uncouth, off putting and anything else.

Someone shows up and wants something from you. You tell them Crazy Jim appeared here with his Mexicans a month ago. Raped us all good. Beat us almost to death. They are out scrounging now and when they come back they are going to scrounge you if you don't get the fuck out of the county, and if you ain't gone in a minute, you will meet your end as I ain't getting beat near to death for you sons of bitches.

You scream at the people. .You make them think you are nuts and you understand that if they call your bluff it is you or them. And if it is you, you are going to get your ass raped and beat to death.


In time there are probably going to be lots of dead people, so hang some human skulls up coming into your area with KEEP OUT on them. That pretty much tells you if anyone shows up, they are going to murder you as you did not put a scare into them.

You stop listening to that prepper shit. You stop listening to the Trapper Dream of the 1950's that the boys all head of going to the wilderness and living on a trapline. That is where all this wilderness shit came from. You are stupid to that life. You are out of shape. You will die either by the weather or by some predator out there with a gun.

The Lame Cherry is the first source who began telling you to either get where you think you should be by now, or you prepare your place where you are and take your God given chances where you are. You know your nativity and what belongs there.  You can survive as a gopher  a hell of allot better in your hole there than on the road exposed like a tame rabbit let loose from your cage.

None of this is going to be easy, but since I started seeing foreigners making money off of telling Americans how to survive with this horse shit propaganda that is going to get lots of people dead, I"m really pissed off about all of this, as this is HARD already, and I don't take kindly to fucking foreigners gleaning Americans and then giving them shit information that is going to get them into trouble.

I WILL NEVER FEED A STRANGER NOR GIVE THEM ANYTHING. I will not deal with them. I will not have them around. Of the people I know, I will be kind to those over the years who have been kind to me. The key word is OVER THE YEARS. I ain't pissing around with shit heads and fuck heads  that I knew from before as they are going to be as Teddy Roosevelt said the rapists, robbers and murderers.

You just remember what Teddy said of human nature. You might be able to control yourself without the FBI and cops roaming around, but most of this shit out there can not. Some asshole who is sitting in a pew and butting in line at the store is nothing you want around. You make excuses for this shit and you will regret it ever day as you bury your own, if you live.

You do not have anything. You are the stink weed. You are the rag picker. You go barter brain and you are dead. You go survival brain and you may live to see another day.

Once the masses are dead, you will be left with a finite group of people like you, with a fringe group who can eat shit, drink piss water, bathe in small pox, sleep in ice water and not be bothered. Those are the sons of bitches who are hard and will take your life without blinking. It will be more difficult with the roaming moaning masses due to numbers, but the lethality will increase in this hard ass psychopath fringe group.

I will close this with a story by Colonel Dodge in what is now Oklahoma. This was border country back after the Civil War and there was a group of people called Boarder Men living there. His troop found a man there, with a crib full of corn, so they bought it for horse feed. The guy seemed normal was likable was friendly.Then one day Dodge and the guy went hunting together, and Dodge noticed the guy was stalking him like he was hunting him.
Dodge brought it up to the guy, and the guy said, "You know I could have killed you real easy".
Dodge said, "Yes, but we are friends".

The guy agreed, but repeated, "I could have killed you real easy".

That fortunately ended it, but this guy was a psychopath. He had left civilization for doing something he probably would have been hung for. He seemed normal but he was nuts. That is the fringe which is out there and it will be in the same concentrated numbers as the American population is whittled down.

In knowing that, you just admit you have shit for brains and a Darwin wish if you keep taking advice from non Americans who have a history of genocide against Americans out of London.

Nuff Said

Jan 14, 2017 ... U.S. Billboard Charted # 1 For 6 Weeks Was Killed In Auto Accident 11/5/1960.
