Friday, June 7, 2024

Whore of Gotham in a Biden Missile Crisis


After all, as the Yankees and their European slobbering dogs argue

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 1961, Red Square in response to Military Industrial Complex threats to the Soviet Union in placing nuclear missiles into Turkey to threaten Russia, undertook at the New Earth archipelago to send a direct message to a democratic novice as President of the District of Columbia by detonating the Czar Bomb, the largest hydrogen bomb in history, whose radioactive cloud drifted across America. 
John Kennedy sort of got the message as he refused to back the Bay of Pigs against Cuba, which in turn caused the Russians to send another message to DC by placing nuclear missiles inside Cuba in response to the American missiles in Turkey.

Americans of another generation submitted to the political disaster which John Kennedy blundered into with their vaporization on the table, and did not protest. 1961 is being revisited on the United States again with the same Russophobic threatening of Russia, this time by a woke Pentagon and a group of Jewry known as the Kaganites. They first reared their head under Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama in the mass murder of Libyans, followed by mass murder in Syria, before Vladimir Putin stepped into Syria to stop the genocide. In this hot summer of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, the disaster of Kiev in the holocaust of Ukrainian Christians in proxy war with Russia, run by these Kaganites, has reached a point where Russia has won the war, but now faces a slaughter in their positions and industries by American F 16's with the nuclear platform of British Storm Shadow missiles. Moscow in response to this has initiated two checks to this in it is bringing war to the American and British shores and will no longer be a punching bag for the District of Criminals globalism.

Russia has dispatched a modern armada of warships to take up permanent stations in the Gulf of Mexico. As Oliver North stated, "That is our pond". As NATO is in the Russian pond of the Black Sea, sinking Russian ships, Russia now has the unstoppable force, including missiles which can be armed with nuclear warheads,  fully intending to resurrect the ghost of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

As democrat Lloyd Benson once stated to Vice President Dan Quayle, "You're no John Kennedy." The Lame Cherry assures everyone what they already are aware of in, "Joe Biden is not the kind of leader John Kennedy was to reach understanding with Russia, because John Kennedy had not been murdering Russian for three years, as Joe Biden has."

According to information, Russian warships intend to stop in Cuba and Venezuela, which underscores Moscow's close ties with these countries. After the completion of the exercises, it is planned to leave the ships in the region until the end of the summer in order to conduct another military maneuvers in the fall. This decision is a clear signal to the West that Russia is ready to defend its interests anywhere in the world.
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This Russian armada is but the visible sign of Russian firepower, as below the waves on all American coasts are the Russian nuclear submarine Navy, with nuclear missiles which will obliterate everything of the liberal problem for Americans on both coasts from the Rockies out in the West and Appalachians out on the East coast.

The second phase of this is the last conventional deterrent Russia will deploy until nuclear war. Russia is now going to arm every nation, region and terror group at odds with the United States and those nations pulling the strings from England to the proxies in Saudi Arabia, to the lower 48 with hypersonic missiles which strike like tactical nuclear warheads.

CBS News cites a US official as saying long-range strategic bombers will also take part in the exercises.

The United States could not track nor locate Yasen class submarines in searching for them for weeks in the Atlantic. This is a stealth submarine and they are confirmed in deployment in the Pacific and Atlantic.

For the record, the District of Criminals has been blowing up Russian oil refineries, industries and bases have been attacked. If some communist group like FARC starts firing off hypersonics at oil platforms in the Gulf, this is game over in this fraud US economy propped up by Biden cash cards from Jewish charities as oil price spikes, plunge the stock market and create shortages and the Obama Great Depression returns, this time with the cancer of 100 million invaders eating Americans.

All those American super carriers and nuclear submarines in drydock waiting for repair, disappear forever, and that ends American projection of power. The Pentagon installed Joe Biden.  Perhaps that Lord Austin is having second thoughts in the puppet they chose while running operations to frame Americans on Jan6.

“High-tech Russian weapons in the hands of those who defend their independence from the United States can change the situation in different parts of the world. For example, the Houthis in Yemen could use Russian surface-to-sea missiles against the American fleet." 
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The archives here will attest that this blog predicted the big dogs would appear after Jan6 and they have arrived in full nuclear force, with their Imperegal hating terrorist who will relish firing off salvos of missiles at fag woke cities to unleash their invading hordes in rampage which the FBI has been protecting.

“If the Chinese also join there, it will cause wild screams in Washington. They will yell, perhaps even physically interfere, but if at least one military base appears in Cuba, this will mean that a sharp Russian bayonet is pointed at America’s fat “fifth point,”

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The Russians do not need a base in Cuba to activate this. Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama and yes Donald Dump with his big industry import of foreign slaves, have their willing 5th column. Russia need only supply RPGs with drones like are killing M 1 Abrams tanks to these invading hordes and there will be 100 Chernobyls across nuclear power plant America which will never clean up.

They imported these slaves for profit, for vote fraud and in hoping that China, Iran and Russia would not nuke millions of their own people as DC human shields. Those shields are the 5th column and they are going to be in frenzy when their 3rd world hatred of America is given the cover of all that is forming off American shores.

As this blog projected over two years ago the options of the Kremlin in response to this Kaganite genocide of Russians, every one of those projections in coming to fruition. The big dogs are at the shores and this is a Biden Missile Crisis. Biden thought he could bray about stopping Russia in Ukraine for his November elections. The refrain now will be the rockets red glare over America in the twilight's last gleaming.

The order of battle has changed.

Nuff Said
