Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ivan's Nuclear Clock

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this Lame Cherry correctly ordered the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, almost 2 years ago, confirmation has now been placed before the public in Putin spokesman, DmitrySuslov, who stated that Russia will detonate a nuclear warhead as a show of force when the two coming NATO aspirations are fulfilled in France announcing it will deploy troops openly to Ukraine and when long range missiles strike inside Mother Russia.

As one can read, after this test explosion, regular use of tactical nuclear weapons will be used against Europe and the United States. President Putin defined that small European states would be obliterated in the coming use of nuclear weapons who are NATO headquarters and like the Netherlands sending F 16's to bomb Russia from NATO bases.

Just to review this again, Russia will detonate a nuclear warhead as a final warning. Remember what this Lame Cherry informed all of you in what Russian thinking is. When Russia loads a nuclear weapon, they will use a nuclear weapon. That is what is being stated in the mushroom cloud account. Once that display takes place, Russia will begin launching multiple tactical nuclear warheads in response of defense to the Motherland.

Dictator Biden can have his fag spokesgenders explain about his being fully aware of the situation, but it was not 24 hours before the District of Crooks greenlighted  limited  use of American long range missiles.before Kiev fired one into Russia, USING AMERICAN targeting and command and control to knock out a Russia S 300 - 400 defense system and Kiev was bragging about it.

US President Joe Biden is fully aware of the potential consequences of his decision to partially lift the ban on strikes by Ukrainian armed forces inside Russian territory with US-supplied weapons, White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby stated on Sunday.

"The president looked at that, talked to the interagency team, made sure he understood all the ramifications of the request, and then approved it. It is limited to the Kharkiv region. And it is limited with respect to the kinds of targets they can hit and how far back they can go," 

Kiev immediately deleted the post, but the confirmation was there, the Russians knew where this American missile appeared from and Russia had the wreckage. The trigger of hitting inside Russia with American long range systems had been thrown. All that remains now is for France to announce on June 6th with that dwarf Zellinskyy present in France, that French troops are being openly deployed in Ukraine.

Ukraine Strikes Long-Range SAM System Inside Russia With U.S. ...

1 day ago ... The S-300/S-400 SAM system located dozens of miles inside Russia was hit, signally a new phase in Ukraine's air defense destruction ...

What to expect?

The Lame Cherry will project this. Russia no longer has access to the Kazhak Semipalatinsk nuclear test site of the Soviet Union. Russia will return to it's poetic past in detonate an open air hydrogen bomb on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya islands

This is the location when the Kremlin chooses to make it's statement to the world as this is where the Soviet Union detonated the Czar Bomb in 1961 AD in the year of our Lord. These islands are above the Arctic Circle, the eastern most point of Europe, and radioactive drift will bring warnings to American to not go outside due to nuclear contamination. Americans have not had that reality since the 1960s's when the communist Chinese were conducting open air testing in China, which is still giving old baby boom Americans, brain cancer.

What will follow in tactical nuclear strikes will be the elimination of the belligerent Baltic states, threatening to send troops to Ukraine. The reality check with nuclear fallout in America an Europe, will be, "Do you want to die for Estonia?

Baltic officials say they could send troops to Ukraine without waiting ...

May 27, 2024 ... Baltic officials told German representatives they and Poland could send troops to Ukraine if Moscow gained the upper hand, ...

What will follow are economic implosion as Russia will be struck, oil flow will interupt, and all those cowed protestors in America faced with the Ashli Babbitt treatment by the FBI or facing incineration due to the DC police state staring a nuclear vaporization, will be peoples across the globe with nothing to lose in being dead either way, will rise up.

The Kremlin is factoring in that the Ivan Bomb will have the Western masses no longer afraid of their tyrants. If the people do not attempt to change the course, then nuclear strikes in ever greater force will occur as the Kremlin progressed this to ICBM's being graduated to.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The last nuclear warfare expert. You do not read the details anywhere else like you read them here.

Which is supposed to trigger the big money donations, because Donald Trump got millions for being a convict and he can't tell you jack or shit.

For the non donors who need the translation, Novaya Zemlya, means New Earth in Russian. Ironic is it not.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
