Wednesday, June 5, 2024

We are all Repentant Sinners

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is not for the broad readership, but a personal response, that might not make a great deal of sense, but parts will assist others in our Cherry family walk here. We will begin with questions as we all have questions.

But I find myself in need. I have prayed to God. Is once sufficient? Does repeatedly tugging on Gods robes asking  for the same things make you an ungrateful nuisance?

I smile in irony at the above, as I have said the same words often and in frustration wondered the same things. Yes once is enough, but God has His clock which He works on and He does not work on mine.
God never once thinks of us as ungrateful or a nuisance and listens intently every time we come to Him. The best I can explain it is, God is not just Light, but infinite points of Light and each one of us, whether some rock He created or each one of us, as a personal Light connection to Him, like the old phone operator connections we saw from the old days. God is 100% focused on every atom and every one of us.

I try and answer the things people ask about in my experiences and this might help in this instance again. My entire life I have known I was born for something. I was going to write a Sabbath post about this, but this is important here and people do not need to wait around for an answer for me, because I'm not God. I have written how I'm the creation of a prayer by the mother. I asked her about this after my old man died, and she confirmed this. She had had my brother 7 years before, miscarried after that, was barren and asked God for another child who would go back to Him. I appeared from a barren womb.

I want to first state that this is me, not everyone. That does not mean it does not apply to other, but I'm a rather odd manifestation of parts and God did not explain things to me, and I have only received insights recently which would fit only an oddball like me. I could always feel people, how they never recovered from being born out of that warm dark womb and into this cold light. I always thought people hated me, but I was feeling that trauma. Now for a bit more about me. I tell you that I reside in the future. I also have become aware that I'm not supposed to be here. This entire time line has been trying to abort me since I appeared. No there are not anti matter people running around out there nor Star Trek 12 dimension people each like you. You are it, but in my case I was  placed here by that prayer when I was supposed to be in another time where "my life" was supposed to be lived out.
This is beyond complicated in trying to explain. I have mentioned things before in time lines of people who are shadows or echoes of another person. When God put me here, there were shadows and echoes of inferior creations which appeared. I was drawn to them, had bad interactions with them, and in ignorance, I challenged God over them as I thought they  were real signatures,but have only had ir revealed recently they were replicas of people who appeared before. No this is not reincarnation nor past lives, that is all deception. This is me where I either stupidly volunteered for this purpose now due to a prayer to Glorify God or I was put here for God's reason and it has been something wrong the entire time and I could not understand as this is not the kind of stuff that is in the Bible or anywhere else.

For all of the hell I have put myself through, one thing has appeared now in being calm. I do comprehend God has a purpose for me and others in this time now. That purpose is a myriad of connecting strings, which does include when I'm really not doing well, or some neighbors chase killer bulls onto my Grandpas place this past week and I almost get killed and then we get the cold shoulder from the wife at the voting station, that this is their opportunity to do good, reject it as I suffer and it is to their condemnation. We tend to think of ourselves as the implement for God to do good through, but God provides that opportunity even to the spawn of wrath. We connect and flow. Our bodies seem to betray us, but it is the revelation that we are evolving as Spirit and being weaned from a life to Life

I realize now that I will never have in this life the people who appeared before where I was supposed to be. They had their own trials due to me appearing now in suffering and anguish in my not being there to do care. None of this sounds fair, and I an not judge as God has His reasons. What I focus on is, I will do the Will of God in His working through me to fulfill what He Wills and I know even passing through this trouble that on the other side I will have the restoration which is not possible now. I'm here like everyone is here to serve God, no matter how beyond reason it seems, because actions in doing God's Will is the proof we are not the fake confessions which all the pew sitters adorn themselves with.

Not to whine for pity, but these past few days I thought I had a blood clot in my leg. Really hurt. Started a week ago in multiple kicks from calves in an adventure,  I got run into with a deep bruise and then this quite bone hurt pain started. I depleted ibuprofen stores for awhile and if thing were not better I would have added blood thinners to sort things out. We have prayer and we have the medical care we can to help things along. We are still here for God's purpose and He knows it all and even as tiring as it all is, for God's reason we just trust in Him as our Heavenly Father as God is working things out.

I use myself as a not rose garden example, in how screwed up and uniquely me this all is, in God has provided enough insight after decades that even though nothing is the way I want things, it is how God is focusing on me with all of my failings and faults.

Almighty Father, we commit your child into Your hands, with the Comfort of the Holy Spirit and all guidance. Assure that You hear our prayers as we need this daily in how things are. We pray for the healing dynamic power of Your Son and our Lord to flow from Him to us, for by His wounds we are healed and receive this healing and restoration. Hold and Carry your child and Your Will be accomplished in all Good. We bless You our Father with this petition to Cover with Your Love all of us in these times for the swift return of the Lord Christ to make all things new, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.


