Thursday, June 6, 2024

Legislative Tyranny

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Our Founders were Inspired Geniuses. I marvel often at the safeguards they put into place to try and save a free people from themselves and it has worked, save for the one thing the Founders did not address which they never considered or they would have addressed it to protect America.

The Founders did voice concerns about a people learning they could vote themselves money and that is the problem with the Nanny State. The other problem not foreseen was the Agency State of the regulations enslaving people. They did leave Americans their own will to destroy themselves and in that fell back to Jefferson and Madison's right of the people to fight another bloody war in revolution.

The Lame Cherry now brings your focus onto what destroyed America, and it was the People's House in their incessant voting into law things. Congress should have only been allowed to meet every 5 years as that is the problem in Congress rose to a Legislative Tyranny, that created agencies, put into endless laws that no American can live a week without violating a dozen felonies without even realizing it.

That is what the Founders should have foreseen and not fallen back to revolution. I have always as President would have run on the 1776 rule, meaning I would wipe off the books all laws in America, to the Constitution in 1789 AD in the year of our Lord, and then force Congress to repass them again, one by one, in the same time frame, so there would not be any mass pass and the same system was enslaving people.

TL had an addition to this, as we were discussing this in, the Founders should have written in an Article to the Constitution, which stated a 50 year Jubilee would reset America in all laws removed from the books and having to be replaced in the same time frame. To the TL point, EVERY Amendment would have to be repassed, but by the People and it would require a 75% majority of states to reenact those same Amendments.

This is what the Founders should have done, an Article 7 to the Constitution which was automatically triggered and on this time frame. It would force Americans to redress issues in a time consuming reality. Those elected would have limits in a Congress of today, would have to be another Congress in 25 years as that generation passed, and it would require a new batch of sell outs to pass laws again that would keep popping up to be voted upon.

The one thing the Founders did build into this system was a process to wear people out, so what sounded like a great tyranny today would not be so appealing next year.

So that is what the Lame Cherry believes is one fault of Jefferson and Madison, that the Convention missed in that long hot summer in Philadelphia. Never before had a people as a nation been though, which was a warning of the need to curb the Congress and what poison they would sow into a Republican form of Government of incessant nitpicking at the public.

Could you imagine a Ford without regulations, and a Ford that would police itself as it would as it would know clean up costs would appear and cost them a fortune so they would not pollute, but they would make cars you could afford for 2500 dollars, without computers, without injectors without all the California regulations which impoverish Americans.

Can you imagine a world where you order a gun from Sears and they ship it to your door without any hoops to go through. I state this for the shock value in how brainwashed all people are in thinking there has to be something to make us stop before we can do anything.

There will never be an Article 7 to the Constitution unless there is a complete wiping out of America and somehow a responsible class appears again who are selfless. This is written as something if a free people ever arise again, that they must have something to reset the situation as the Bible did.

Nuff Said
