Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The International Communist

As an international communist, I'm George Clooney approved for your arrest.
I also may be AI pregnant.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly was going to make a satirical joke over Journalist Scott Ritter being yanked off a flight to Russia and having his passport seized in the actor George Clooney was now running the US State Department and imprisoning Americans inside the American Gulag, but when I looked up to see who the hell the Clooney Foundation fricking is that cunt tease George Clooney.

Our Story - Clooney Foundation for Justice

We founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice to hold perpetrators of mass atrocities accountable for their crimes, and to help victims in their fight for ...

Clooney Foundation for Justice

George and Amal Clooney are warriors for justice, fighting against inequality, authoritarianism, and all the forces fighting democracy. For those of us who ...

Our Team - Clooney Foundation for Justice

Our Team · Co-Founders · Amal Clooney · George Clooney · Executive Team · Emma Lindsay · David Sagal · Deena Katz · Chief of Staff ...

I did not quite get how making Refusenik Ritter a prisoner was in line with holding people accountable for mass atrocities..........again this is a foundation and not the FBI, and yet they made Ritter a prisoner in hearing, no trial, no warrant, no anything. Just rights obliterated with a phone call from George Clooney.

Now for those who do not know, George the CT Clooney is not just some cut tease. His Aunt was the superstar Rosemary Clooney, and his near relative was none other than the infamous Bob B 1 Dornan of Reagan fame. So there is a kind of ladder there to the deep state, and apparently George was doing more than playing hide the weenie in hot little blonde WWE wrestlers.

George according to this website liked spreading the cum load around in using women like Kleenex.

Refusenik Ritter though really has pissed off the Kaganites at State, as the ghost of Victoria Nuland is still picking off those she dislikes, as Ritter noted the was ambushed at the airport, faced humiliation in being pulled off a plane and more to the point, the airport people singled out his luggage to be loaded last as they knew this drama was taking place............carried out by the thin blue line of intimidation.

“This was a deliberate ambush,” he said. Ritter said he overheard an airline employee saying that his baggage had been loaded last because they were tipped off that he would not be allowed to leave the country.

The journalist said he was “100% certain” that the Department of State was retaliating

Apparently George Clooney does not like being challenged. CT is after all an Obama tease too in boats and rolling up the off white shirt sleeves.

I don't know if the picture below in a boat is fake with the screaming Asian kid, but there was a link that said Clooney was in the boat with Obama not Epstein. The original Birther did like dancing boys and the scent or yellow stained urine underwear on his Uncle Frank, as Obama wrote poetry about it all while drinking whiskey as a teenage boy.

In any event, George Clooney is a bit more up on the Obama Inc run that Ben Affleck or that cunt tease Ryan  Reynolds who got invited to the Obama White House for the adoptive Obama daughters to get wet over as wife Blake Lively was occupied elsewhere.


Obama is a cock tease though, and George was late coming to the dock as others had been whistled aboard before.

Ryan candy for the girls.

A man friend embrace with Affleck.

What I don't get in all of this is George Clooney is stating he is going after people who are responsible for mass atrocities. I don't know if that is like Obama eating kobe beef while the world starves or what the criteria is, as according to the press, Tel Aviv has over 30,000 dead Philistines, and that Kiev Ashkejew has like over 500,000 dead Christian Slavs in Ukraine, and George is not pulling those people off planes like he did Ritter.

I could not find any mass atrocities which Ritter is guilty of. He seems to be the one trying to stop them.


Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation.

He most recently visited Russia in January, spending time in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg, among other places.

The most recent post on Ritter’s Telegram channel put the Clooney Foundation for Justice on notice for its alleged crusade against “Russian propagandists.”

George Clooney seems to be taking over the role of the Southern Poverty Law Center which worked for the CIA and FBI, until the Chicoms took over. The ADL is failing at shutting up kids on colleges so they are failing under Pedo Joe Biden too. So I suppose State now has their own George cunt tease Clooney as an NGO seizing property and throwing them into the gulag as you don't need the courts when you have George Clooney arresting justice.

What all of us need to do now in this America Gone, is just enjoy the mass slaughters and enjoy Jan6 hunt downs and the new vista of George Clooney for Victoria Nuland making political prisoners of Americans. It is our existence all across the world.
