Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thee Incorrect American Low Yield Nuclear Doctrine


I know having a nuclear missile up your buttocks is large feeling
but you are the Navy's newest submarine we are deploying.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a rather disturbing article about the United States using small yield nuclear warheads in combat as this would convince Russia and China that America was not going to escalate this to hydrogen bombs.

Meet you on the other side.

"If conflict crosses the nuclear threshold, lower yields would signal a clear interest in limiting its intensity," wrote Lieutenant Commander Alan Cummings, US Navy Reserve, for US Naval Institute in April 2024.

As you probably missed this in the above quote as most of you are ignorant of warfare and nuclear weapons, the Lame Cherry will walk you through and assessment of the reality of the above in war and you can then decide if you are Russia or China if you will agree with the above.

So you are Peking and you have just assembled a battalion of your troops who have landed in the Philippines.....or say the United States Alaska and you are winning the battle.......or say you are Russia and your troops were deployed inside Latvia and they are pushing NATO back to Poland or your troops were invited into Iran and are moving into Saudi Arabia to take out the American supply base there and you are winning...........

and your satellites and command reveal to your office in Peking and Moscow that a low yield nuclear warhead was detonated over 20,000 of your troops. You do remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those were low yield weapons too. They killed 66,000 and injured 69,000.

So Russia and China would in an instant have 10,000 dead and 10,000 wounded in burned off flesh and radiation poisoning. Your battle victory is over and you now have a huge moral problem as your armies are not going to advance, which means you have lost the war, and in the tribunals you are all going to be hung by America and NATO.

Now you get to answer the question in this, which the US Navy's assessment, that this mass casualty event which is going to get you hung, signals that America does not want this to escalate to full nuclear hydrogen bombs.

Well no shit, if you are winning vaporizing thousands of Russians and Chinese, you don't want Russia or China to return fire with greater nuclear weapons.

So that is the US Navy propaganda, but what would your assessment be in just seeing thousands of your troops incinerated and you just lost the war and will get hung?

Now it is evident that you are going  to retaliate, yes with low yield weapons on NATO and American the entire region, not just on forces which you are facing as now you have to win this at call costs to save your neck.

But America has shown you that by mass murdering thousands in your army and making the rest of your army afraid to fight, that they want to keep this small, like bashing your brains in with a hammer is less dead than bashing your head with a pile driver.

So now are  you going to fight this to win with your big stuff? If you are China, you know that you can absorb 750 million dead and still have more people than  Europe and America alive to continue to fight. If you are Russia, your government has built survival bunkers for most of your people. You have hypersonic nuclear warheads which NATO and the United States can not stop.

Are you going to fight this the way Russia and China will, as they stated they would in their Dead Hand Switch in once this starts, it finishes even if every Russian is dead.

It really does not matter how you answer, because it is how Russia and China have already answered.

It is literal nuclear madness which has gotten into the nuclear abortion doctrine of the United States in projecting that Russia and China will accept defeat, because "little" mass murder weapons are used. 

We are all being thrust into the Planned Parenthood stirrups and about to be aborted by this incorrect doctrine of madness.

Nuff Said
