Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pax Putin


Путин – настоящая оливковая ветвь

I am the Putin, the True Branch of the Olive,
I bring you peace, as a way, a truth and for your lives.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Russian Federation has delivered it's peace proposal to the West over Ukraine. This is very Minsk Accords which were already agreed to by Russia, but the Russians understand completely that the cartel will reject them as their imp in Kiev, Zellinskyy has already cocked off about it in rejecting this legitimate settlement.

To explain this to you, what Russia is telling the West is the warnings are over. Russia faced with nuclear capable F 16's and English Storm Shadow nuclear capable missiles will now escalate. With long range weapons, and perhaps even commando raids, Russia will from this point on bring the war to the woke West. War is come to the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Germany,  Greece, England, France and American bases and ships are now legitimate targets.

The minute the cartel hits the Russian fleet, everything American on the ocean and bases will be hit. This will be the end of US forward bases and the US naval projection of power.

This is a European theater and American forward bases situation. That means the lower 48 American states are "safe" unless this escalates rapidly. For now that faggot Jens Stoltenberg has 500,000 European and Americans on alert, all fodder and dead so face that reality in NATO.

The Russians know that there will never be an acceptance of these terms in the West and Russia like Adolf Hitler is not going to wait around to be ambushed by Stalin, so in order to set the order of battle Russia will strike and deplete the conventional targets as NATO sits around with it's finger up it's ass again as it is a worthless group propped up by American dead.

Russia comprehends that the European and American masses faced with being dead in war, will have no fear of dying by police state intimidation. Russia is attempting to scare and herd the West to an overthrow of the organized cartel as a last gambit before this does go nuclear. That is the 3 month window as this is going to go live the minute Russian troops now on the move out of their trenches in Ukraine, become endangered by the American F 16's.

How smart does Sean Homo and Mark Levin look with FOX in stoking this anti Putin stance and the gullible GOPlters signed on, as this is real war with real dead coming to the West.

I will have more insights this coming week on Serbia, Germany and the Netherlands, in polling data and a reality that the contracts have been signed for this war and the elections did not matter.

This is very real. War is coming into NATO for the expendable fodder in NATO.

Short update. Pray the Lord shortens the days.

It appears the liver of Russian soldiers is fattening for some Kiev residents.

Nuff Said

