Friday, June 7, 2024

The AI Brain


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The societal manipulation think tank for DARPA and the NWO in RAND predicted that by 2050 AD in the year of our Lord, that the world would be transhuman in being computer brains.

I have given this about zero thought and contemplation, but rely on the Holy Ghost Inspiration to flag a warning, not about brain cancer, control of human thought or any other sci fi nonsense, but in the meat and potatoes reality of why the trans human cyborg hive will not work.

Meet you on the other side as the future from the college boys is listed below with the moron Ashkejews  of the Schwabian League.

According to the report, the technological applications for this new brain network include:

  • Wearable devices and implants for tracking and analyzing physiological and environmental data (e.g. biochips and implantable sensors). These technologies aim to achieve real-time continuous monitoring of physiological data to understand human health conditions and performance. 

  • Sensory augmentation technologies such as hearing and retinal implants designed to improve or augment sensory activities, particularly vision and hearing. Smart prosthetics are a related category, including exoskeletons, i.e. whole-body robotic suits that enhance end users' physical capabilities and improve their mobility, strength, endurance and other abilities.

  • Brain-computer or brain-brain interfaces that establish direct communications between human brains and/or computer devices. 

Just as with that dipshit E coin mining was eating up electricity, the current AI which is being pushed on the world is consuming the like amount of electrical gird power.

With these Obama Biden International Socialists shutting down coal plants and bankrupting the auto industry on electric cars which burn up and go nowhere over gas cars, there is not enough electricity in the grid to charge green cars, run a surging 500 million American invaded shit hole, and to power up artificial intelligence. I will repeat, there is not enough electricity to hook up 2 billion surviving  two leggers to a computer uplink to process all this information. That is why the AI Brain is not going to advance.

Sure there is some Musk gimp who is moving a cursor around, but in Darwin terms, do you know how much in resources  it takes to maintain  one gimp off the grid, and if you put the gimp onto the grid, you have an even larger debt that society is paying so a gimp can live and shit on societal expense.

OK so Musk for DARPA enhances human brains. What will take place is a trigger for dopamine which when these AI Brains are hooked up, they will all feel euphoria and never come out of that. They will be addict dead beats who will not produce anything like these GENS and we return again to the reality that these vermin Mexicans and Africans might have a chip to control them, but baby sister it will not control them all, and they will be busy raping and eating all these hooked up AI Drones under the spell.

Are there affordable way to create electricity? Yes coal is the reality. The next would be thorium, but you still need someone to mine the fuel, build the power plants, and do all the shit so you can get a neuro link to get and erection as that does not happen for free.
Will we have AI Brains hooking up to move robotics around, Perhaps for awhile, but again we return to the problem............NOT ENOUGH ELECTRICITY in this damned Obama scam of wind and solar.

So there can be these think tanks who come up with this shit for brains stuff, but it meets the reality of there is not enough electricity to meet these electric demands. So do not fall of the brave new world of this order as the scam of blackmailing working people for electric and phones worked on the addiction because people worked. AI Brains do not toil or spin and just like Skynet the Terminator situation. Skynet can not work without robotics or cyborgs or even humans who have to be hooked up to a grid. Sure you can make humans fuck for new humans, but electrical power plants have to be serviced yearly, fed daily, and the same is  true for Star Wars as those nuclear power packs have a shelf life of decades. Computers, Artificial Intelligence requires electricity. It can take it, and deny humans it, but without someone mining coal or stuffing nukes in the boiler, that power goes down in hours or months. You can not run an AI dictatorship without electricity. Star Wars ceases to work at the first Wormwood or the expiration date of the power packs.

The human brain is fat with electricity running through it. Some people have shit brains in they are nuts or have seizures. Do you really want some schitzoid hooked into a collective array that surges fucked up thoughts into the mass mind or self destructs in seizures? These fat heads are not built for this kind of long term joining as they run at a hertz and meddling with that wave will cause a Darwin problem.

So allot of bad things can happen with this AI Brain, and worse will happen with these Goddamn AI Brains just like Obama E cars are junk on the road and just like e coin is going to be used to control you. It is the electrical curve though that dooms AI and the use of computer control as there is not enough power generated to uplink the masses. If the mass does not work, it will not be able to generate  electric current.

Nuff Said
