Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Marching Point of 2025 AD in the Year of our Lord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the below quote, you will find the agenda of the cartel, in the progression of the global order in what events are going to take place from this point on and culminating in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

What the title means is followed by the Lame Cherry explanation in bold.

The United States ceased to exist as a Republic long ago. What is taking place now is the neutralization of the United States as a viable entity for the sternz kinder of Europe.

We are in the fracturing process and the drive to wars will continue to foment to cover the policy of what is the agenda. The data suggests that as Tel Aviv has failed in it's holocaust by design, that the example will be initiated in America in the next 14 months to set the order of battle.

  • State of AI - Ability of platform to produce propaganda and frame deplorables.
  • AI Safety - Ability to control AI so it will not turn on the elite.
  • Changing Faces of Biology - Biowarfare for profit and transhumanism
  • Climate - Weather warfare.
  • Future of Warfare - Effectively using mass genocide to establish dominion.
  • Geopolitical Landscape - What nation states must be eliminated.
  • Europe’s Economic Challenges - Collapse of the Europe economy for a New Order
  • US Economic Challenges - Looting the last trillions from the USA before collapse.
  • US Political Landscape - Timetable for establishing a dictatorship.
  • Ukraine and the World - Using Ukraine for profit to start world war.
  • Middle East - Starting a Muslim war, a new Tel Aviv order and using USA nukes.
  • China - Breaking up China with the transfer of Asian tech due to war.
  • Russia - Destroying Russia but confiscating resources free of radiation.

From this point on, thee only reason the United States is still on the map is to draw it as a target for the Eurasians, so the Meisterkrieg can move under the front of the Ashkenaz to establish the Feueradler.

We are moving to the apex incline of events now.

Nuff Said
