Friday, June 7, 2024

The Legalized DARPA State Tyranny


Wir haben das Morgen aufgebaut, indem wir die Zukunft ausgeraubt, die Vergangenheit geplündert, das Heute gestohlen und die Ewigkeit zweckentfremdet haben.
Wir sind deine unsterblichen Toten.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What the world is, is a regime of Trump Hatred. This is not a defense of Donald Trump as he abandoned America to save himself,  but what the world is, is London's Birther Hussein Obama, breaking the 3rd world down to cause refugee crisis there, in order to invade and overthrow Europe and America, all protected by the police state.

There still are enough factions in this around to call them factions and not one organized order, but when DARPA took your tax money, and funded the internet, selling you this service to addict you, so it could spy on you, and eventually dictate your lives, it was the step of DARPA state tyranny in the Pentagon's grand vision of immortal Iron Man vaxers, who are in competion with London street, Ashkejew finance, and that enterprise of 3rd Reich money which became the international conglomerates to gain control of the command and control mechanisms of societies, by legislating open theft of your tax money, handed over to  Hitler socio conglomerate employ you and to dictate how you exist, first by coercion and now by social credit dictatorships.

The erosion is complete and civilization is finished. It has gone back to the ant colony of some royal child keeping bugs in a box, and shaking them up to their destruction. so the ants can start all over again rebuilding the tunnels they are forced into.

It has always amazed me this DARPA funded internet, which funds billionaires who are insider globalists like Bill Gates of Microsoft and the cadre of Ashkejews who own some kind of Google control.
No one but myself has ever bitched about how it was that Microsoft got away with writing in system degrades so that you had to update in spending money or your system would not allow you on the internet. All those fun little Windows 3.1 programs were wiped. 
It was as if Ford sold you a car, and then the wheels fell off every year if you did not buy a Ford tire to keep you hooked. If Ford did this everyone would have rioted. Microsoft does this shit from DARPA and the DIA, and no one says a word. Windows 7 is what I run, with Brave, is currently crashing from Brave.......yes Brave the Chrome based browser crashes because it mandates off of Windows that I must run Windows 10. Of course this is about money and spying on people as all systems and programs, even Apple have regime doors built into them in this spy network..........but get this cherry thing in when I looked for alternative browsers like Opera One........Brave kept crashing in going to that site. This is racketeering and is protected by the police state. It is high crimes, all of us are robbed and no one says a thing, because the police state protects this racket which is the child of Heinrich Himmler's network.

Thomas Jefferson intended for the new nation to be governed by social power, that is, by the people. But other of the founding fathers wanted state power that they could enlist to privilege their pursuit of their own interest. Nock provides examples of this by the original founders. In my opinion, perhaps the best example of this was 60-70 years later with Abe Lincoln’s service to the railroads and support of the northern manufacturers for a tariff that would serve their interest at the expense of higher prices for the population. It was Lincoln’s support of the tariff that caused the secession of the Southern states and Lincoln’s invasion of the Confederacy. To cover up the fact that Lincoln was nothing but a shill for economic interests, historians invented a false account of Lincoln’s war against the Confederacy.

Thomas Jefferson was  not any saint or savior. He was the proof of absolute power corrupting Thomas Jefferson. He was Americas first political despot. He was naked in aggression and could not see that he had no cloth to hide his murder of Alexander Hamilton like Ashli Babbitt and the framing of Aaron Burr like the Janers.

Abraham Lincoln was even more of a tyrant in his holocaust of the South and his seeds of the Indian Ring in the West as this money train corrupted America in the purses of European finance.

All of this in the shadows is connected even  though independent in sort. DARPA runs this by design with the finger up the ass Pentagon. The Pentagon though sucks from the tits of finance and is armed by the social conglomerates, who in turn are all functioning on the looting of the world with diversions of terrorism and war.

There are powerful groups at the moment yet who are deluded into believing they control things, but they are as manipulated as you are. It is a pyramid scheme where the District of Criminals believes it is in power, but the factions from the Pentagon, London, Europe, the Elders, Nation Rapists all with disdain for the other think they will come out on top as they push forward the DC destruction machine and yet one group is a bit more adept at manipulating these arrogant demigods in the ultimate slight of hand, but I will not name them, even though they are the source of the demon technology which underlays all of this.

In 1900, no one could fly. By 1940 the world had it's first operational UFO's. The technology has been fed and it is eclipsed the world, and it is now flat lining, because that is all which is necessary to implement this social terror order and bring about the final solution in the extermination of humanity. That is what satan did all this for. To end people and the people who have sold out for this, all suck the green kool ade in thinking that being immortals they will be like God too when in fact as only this blog has pointed out, death is a blessing even if it terrifies you. When a body is immortal it can not die, meaning you can not get free from it in you soul is bound. An immortal body does not mean that you can not get immortal cancer, or that you do not feel immortal pain if someone blows you into bits. Your bits are there, in pain, there is your soul and there you are Humpty Dumpty the another egg shell in the wall.

The world is not ruled by finance any more. It is ruled by corporate mechanism implemented by the Bush hedge fund queer billionaires, much akin to the British Hudson and East India who would martial death for profit and control, and this was joined to the monarchy in both utilized the position of the other to make fodder out of English. You do not get this in the world wars were not just about German semites and Japanese samurai. The Norman rulers with the Ashkenaz, slaughtered the English population off from 1066 AD with machine guns. The Normans of London slaughtered the colonial English, Irish and Scots of Canada, America, Australia and Africa by design. Those wars were to kill the Saxons and these invasions are to erase and replace them.

Sometimes I get down this rabbit hole that I feel like John Coleman, Eustus Mullins, Charles Lindbergh Sr. who were the first to write of these things, and I look back at Paul Craig Roberts and in his limited discourse is only at an elementary level in deciphering the code of all of this. It is too much information for most mortals.

So I can flip off DARPA, but DARPA is not the evil, it is just a part of the organism for now. It is creating this false brain to plug all of your brains into to short it all out as there is not enough electric to run the kind of fat brains each of us have to radio wire us into one collective. That is what genocide is and why it is the outcome.

I flip through this brain stuff and see how it seems madness as people can not figure out really what the information is as it comes at them from so many Sacred Geometric angles, and why even I used to at the start of this, roll my eyes and think how strange these people were, and yet I now recognize it as this is what the human mind sounds like when it is evolved from the primate to something more which no primate can comprehend.

DARPA does not prevail in this.  I peeked at the revelation sheet. Keep your eye on the girl as that is the interesting part.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have built tomorrow, by robbing the future, by looting the past, by stealing today, by misappropriation of eternity.
We are thee immortal dead.

~ Lame Cherry

Nuff Said 
