Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Ghost War of 2024

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It bothers me that British superstars like Eric Clapton and John Cleese, after being the funding and control mechanism which created the International Nazi State have now awoke to this censorship, but it is too late in their warnings.

The too late part is the summer of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord is going to enter the Air Terror Phase in the Kiev Nazis. Everything has followed what this blog projected and now with American F 16's being dumped into Ukraine with outlier bases and American HIMARS or long range missiles are being stationed in Romania, we are going to see a long range air war along the Russian lines in Ukraine.

Basically what is going to take place is the territorial lands and waters of adjacent nations in NATO like Romania is where these F 16's are going to be firing at Russians from. Yes this is war, and Russia is well aware of what is taking place. None of this is going  to be anything but another pedo fag NATO operation of another order, now that the drone terror situation has reached the neutralization phase.

You will hear of American F 16's shot down over the Baltics, Poland and Romania. They will attack Russian ships and troops. If they can slip in they will probably get into Russia and fire on Moscow to elevate the platform to put political pressure on the renewly elected Vladimir Putin.

Romania Is Ready – Maintenance Of HIMARS Missile
Launchers Begins

Number Of F-16s For Ukraine Is Increasing
To 75 Combat-Ready

Belgium Sends 30 F-16 Fighter Jets To Ukraine On
Condition They’re Not Used Against Russia!

Sweden Will Transfer Advanced AWACS Aircraft To Ukraine

As you can see, this is a situation that Sweden has transferred an AWACS to Kiev. That AWACS is a coordinating air platform. That jet is never going to get near Ukraine. It will most likely fly over the Baltics, Romania or Poland, where we will see if Russia shoots it down as Russia has been not shooting down American high priced drones which appear every time some major air terror event takes place against Russians.

For fighter jets, you have to have an operational window. It takes fuel to launch, get to theater, and then there is little time for patrol. So these F 16's are going to have to be a bit closer to Russian lines in their bases, even if they are possibly refueling over Romania or the Baltics. The Russian S 300 and 400 systems to should obliterate these 75 jets and Nazi pilots.  I highly doubt there are 75 competent pilots in Ukraine who could fly the 16's. It will probably Slavics who were trained with Kiev Nazi salted in. 

This operation will cause harm to the Russians, and that is what it is intended. These are fodder for another phase as everyone knows this not designed to win anything. Just cause Russia more in costs in people and money.

Look for Kiev to mimic Russia in launches of decoy drones, with mixed in HIMARS long range missiles and of course these F 16's with British Storm Shadow long range missiles. Enough will get through which means Russia will be forced to hit the Baltics, Poland and Romania where these jets will be based.

Russia will be forced to strike NATO bases as this is what the design is constructed. Russia knows this and that is where this Ghost War of 2024 is headed.

That is the hot summer awaiting when Russia moves forward from it's trenches.

This is to make Russia bleed.

The Kremlin has defined the F 16 as a nuclear weapon platform, which it is, and will be responded to as such.

Nuff Said
