Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Understanding how to speak Russian nuclear Launch Sequence

The Russian Military has postured to load nuclear warheads
into their platforms as deterrence to NATO aggression.

Ritter said the offensive on these sites was more than just a run-of-the-mill drone attack.

“It was Ukrainian drowned married to American and NATO intelligence,” he said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Again the Lame Cherry is required to educate you on "Russian Speak" as no one else is. This might sound simple, and it is, but no one is telling you the way the Russians think as moral Orthodox people. The reason this matters is because this is why these western wokesters keep bitch slapping Russian like they are insane.

Russia since the Czars, since the Soviets have protocols even today. They are disciplined. I will use this example to illustrate.

JYG has the Hired Guy, who for his own reason enjoys tormenting cats. JYG had a tom cat and HG was roughing it up, making noises and whatever, and this cat finally grabbed HG by the hand with claws and fangs, but did not bite him or claw him. JYG told him to leave the cat alone.
HG though went right back at it, and that tom cat after giving the warning, bit the shit out of the Hired Guy.

It was not long after that, that HG appeared with his hand  swelled up twice the size as normal. telling JYG he had to pay for his meds. JYG told him, "That cat warned you and told you leave him alone. I told you leave him alone as that cat was warning you. You pay for you own meds as you brought that on yourself".

Russians have an orderly progression. It is their society and NATO and the cartel know it. Russia at present has sent another signal of progression in it has run drills with missiles, and then it ran drills loading nuclear warheads onto those missiles. Their Foreign Minister has now warned that if NATO and America continue their course or arming their missile, that Russia will move to Nuclear Deterrence, which means that Russia will load nuclear warheads onto their platforms.

Now this might seem not that much of an escalation to you, because America loads warheads onto missiles and flies around and you never hear anything more of it. There is though a huge difference and I will illustrate again.

The American police state, trained by Mosaad, is always putting their hands on their weapons or drawing them and pointing at people, and continue to give confusing warnings or like Ashli Babbitt, lure her in and then blast this unarmed petite little gal to Heaven. Americans wave guns around allot and are always involved in intimation and gun play. Europeans are the same intimidation mindset in the guns go back into the holsters and no one acts like anything happened as life goes on.

Russians though are completely different in they are like the regular Americans with their heads down after Jan6. They do not produce a gun, do not point points. You do not see a gun until it goes off. The Russians have empty guns now, but loaded and unloaded them, which they think is supposed to be conveying a message to stop to the West wokesters. The West wokesters though see it as an empty gun can keep on raping the dog on the front lawn or beating the kid up on the swing set.

Russia does not draw their weapon out, UNLESS IT IS LOADED. The Russian does not draw their loaded weapon out with the US military, "locked and loaded". The Russian when they draw their loaded weapon out, it is on target, the locks are off and their finger is on the trigger and they are in the process of firing that nuclear warhead.

That is what is being lost in all of this, and none of you understand this, as you have not been informed how Russians think, but the cartel knows and it why they keep fucking around doing dangerous things as they know the Russians are disciplined. We are at the point though that Russia is going to move into loading their warheads and activate the launch sequence in being ready to fire. There is not a great deal of room in this with Russia, in they do not bluff and have told the world this. They load and they go into launch mode, and there is really not that much difference between launch mode and launch, because Russia only goes into launch mode, when they will launch and so you get this, there is not going to be some red phone diplomacy to talk the Russians back from this. Once Russia activates they have gone active and the Dead Hand is activated and it all goes up.

The Russians will have phases, again as warnings, but you must understand when Russia goes:

Tactical nuclear strikes
Submarine nuclear launch
ICBM launch

That there is really not a phase but a sequence of launches. They will respond to being hit, and each sequence follows in a very short period of time.

That is why when a quote below highlighting how NATO keeps pricking around with Russia, playing cute in Americans are guiding the Kiev drones to strike Russian targets of their early warning nuclear radars, the Russians know very well what is taking place, a much as French intrigue. The only reason Russia has not launched nuclear weapons is Russia is winning in Ukraine. Russia gets checked and then all of this stops being unloaded missiles to missiles in the launch sequence.

Ritter noted that Putin would see an attack on Russia by Ukraine using French missiles, French intelligence, and French technology as an attack by Paris itself, even if a Ukrainian pulled the trigger.

“That’s what Macron doesn't understand. French satellite will go goodbye; ground control station will go goodbye,” he said. “And any target outside of Ukraine that was involved in this will go goodbye.”

He continued, “France will scream bloody murder they won't acknowledge that this was a Russian retaliatory strike they will claim that Russia has attacked It and seek Article Five protection from NATO and the moment NATO votes for Article 5, Russia will nuke everybody.

The Lame Cherry is going to provide you an order of battle to watch as NATO and DC with London have provided you with the scenario. The reason London is skulking in the weeds after Russia warned it will nuke it, and DC is taking the lead in having Kiev send out drones based on their guidance is that the Russian warning stations in Moldova and Southwest Russia is where the F 16, British Storm Shadow and American HIMARS (long range missile attacks) will generate into the Russian lines in Ukraine and into Russia proper.

The attacks will come from Romania and the Black Sea. There may be Polish based F 16's involved in this, or Baltic states involved in this, as NATO has moved into Gotland in the Baltics while Sweden sent in an American AWACS for fire control, but they have attempted to blind Russia for flight paths coming in over Moldova and the Black Sea to hit Russian lines and Russian positions. This is once again the cartel playing loose with all of our lives as they know that Russia has not moved to nuclear load phase, but Russia has stated the F 16 is a nuclear platform and Russia will load nuclear weapons to be launched in this next phase. Remember there is not a margin for Russia between loading and running the launch sequence.

Thirdly, in April-May 2024, according to a number of Russian media reports, three extremely alarming incidents allegedly occurred at once with objects included in the missile attack warning system, the “eyes and ears” of our Strategic Missile Forces. In addition to the Voronezh-DM missile attack warning system radar in Armavir and the Voronezh-M radar located in the vicinity of the city of Orsk in the Orenburg region, on April 17, Ukrainian drones allegedly attacked the Container over-the-horizon radar in the vicinity of the city of Kovylkino (Republic of Mordovia) .

The reason I'm informing all of you this, even the brats who better get donated up, is this is where to expect events to generate. The situation room gets briefings like this. The Wall Street board rooms get this cartel information, but the public does not. Russia's southwest flank has been prepared for strikes in this F 16 phase.

Watch for simple Russian statements that they have moved to the DETERRENT PHASE.  Watch for stories about Russian line movement as that is what the F 16's will wait for in a summer campaign. Watch for not Kiev drone attacks, but for French, British or American missiles hitting inside Russia. It will begin with Crimea and it will progress to Russian radar, ships and military and key energy and industry, being blamed on the Kiev Nazi, but the firing line is edging toward French troops who have been getting laid horizontal by Russians for sometime now and for expendable  Romania, Poland and Bulgaria with the Baltics, as that is where NATO wants this to spread into the Baltics and the Baltic Sea.

Russia though in the nuclear phase is already American bases in Germany, Italy, Turkey and England, with direct targeting of France. It is likely that this will be conventional strikes in Romania and the Baltic, with strikes into France.

You will not need further explanations when this moves to that as the sequence will be active in the Russian systems.

Nuff Said
