Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Crooks Father Called The FBI


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Joe Hoft and Ablechild have been focused on Tom Crooks in the interesting kid gloves the FBI has been handling his parents with in cooperating with them.

Crooks father, Matthew, told three news outlets that he called the police in his son went missing. The problem is there is no such call registered in Bulter county.

Meet you on the other side.

Sen Grassley Releases Shooting Log Of Crooks
And Contradicts Father’s Call To Police

This is where Joe Hoft and Ablechild are flatbrain in analyzing this, in they are thinking that Matthew Crooks called the local the title of this article states, "What if Matthew Crooks called the FBI as that is who his son was in contact with in this handler whose phone was at his work, his home, at Chinatown in DC and the FBI office there?"

That is what the evidence lines up as in the arrogance of Matthew Crooks with the media. This family is connected to the NSA. I would submit the projections which this blog formulated that Tom Crooks was involved like Hutatree with an FBI paid informant.

ANTIFA and BLM, Soros, Buffett and Obama funded targeted Butler in the riots. I believe Crooks was part of a group there who had the same FBI protection and steering as the groups on Jan6. Crooks father knew something was wrong and called the FBI.

Now remember the video the British press released of a woman screaming at Crooks on the roof, and said his name. She has disappeared. If one links this up, there was some kind of disrupt operation which was to take place, perhaps a disruption in people had to be hauled away. This woman was probably part of this, and she was stunned when she saw Crooks on that roof with a gun. That was not what she Hutatree agreed to. We don't know what was in that bag Crooks had, but it was big in what he was tossing around.

In just the question, "Could the plan been to have just launched fireworks at the Trump venue, because people thought at first it was fireworks and not gunshots?" We simply do not know as the same case in the Jan6 cover up by the FBI.

Crooks appears to have been armed with others in thinking in shooting over the crowd to cause a stampede. Another group was there though who meant to assassinate Donald Trump and murder people in that crowd, and leave Lee Harvey Crooks as the dead patsy on the roof with others.

That is what I believe Joe Hoft is missing or in DIA has not been cleared to post yet. Matthew Crooks called the FBI his family had contact with and that is the last thing the FBI wants to be made public that another one of their Manchurians went nuts and got people murdered.

Think about it.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

