Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How Russia and Iran will Defeat the F 35 of Tel Aviv and DC

Bibi I have apprehensions in your Jewish missile this close to my Hindu rear.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the coming wars, the suicide nuclear bomber of the F 35 is the trillion dollar last nuclear missile to be used to overcome all Russian defenses.

The problem is that this expensive titanium toy is not stealth. Russia and China have both discovered it can be tracked at 40 miles out. In an age of 500 missiles that is not a long distance, but one has to understand what Russia and China will answer.

The F 35 will carry dial a nuke bombs which are carried on board, inside the craft. What Russia is picking up the F 35 with is radar signatures from their state of the art S 400 anti missile systems. These systems are a complete package of command and control, radar and missiles. What Russia is in process of deploying is setting up a phase array grid of radar platforms which will blink off and on. Yes on a huge area 40 miles is not very far in forward projections, but 10 stations is a 400 mile array which is not that long of area in something like the Mideast. No weapons deployed, just listening stations.

Russia or Iran does not have to use the expensive stuff in the S 400's, they can launch a 1000 long range missiles to clutter the sky with heat seekers which have to be dodged and this delays and forces the attack back further.

This is a game changer and and exclusive in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
