Wednesday, August 21, 2024

If Donald Trump Legitimately Loses This Election........


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The last months of Dictator Biden has begun with a complete disservice and smear of thee American People in stating that if Donald Trump loses the election there will not be a peaceful transfer of power. Americans are a law abiding group, except when hired by ANTIFA and BLM Soros and Buffett money for Obama Inc, or when that same apparatus of John Brennan's CIA uses the FBI as a front to plant agents to riot on January 6th to frame innocent Americans, and then that paid fringe of anarchists IS STILL NOT AMERICANS.

Americans like Ashley Judd wear pussy hats and do  not riot. Americans like Ashli Babbitt climb through windows unarmed and are murdered. The peaceful transfer of power is NOT a violent America, it is these employed agents who in mail in election fraud installed Joe Biden.

There was not even over the top violence in BLM or ANTIFA. It was a minority fraction who caused the problems as they were paid to. Most Americans in this backed off from BLM and ANTIFA as they were focused on the wound of being beat up by police which was the George Floyd issue.

For that matter, the Jan6 group were not violent. The Supreme Court stated this in calling them trespassers. What the Jan6 supports wanted was what the government was derelict in not investigating. If the Supreme Court would have heard the case, instead of dismissing everything like Burther Obama on "standing" or if Congress would have had hearings and said, "Biden stole this election like Obama did twice. There is nothing we can do about it now, but we will implement safeguards", that is all the people wanted. They wanted to be validated in their voice which had legitimate questions.

Instead in ratcheted up angst, Americans now have people in the DNC who picked people without being voted for the democratic candidates. No democracy. In the RNC, we have a weaponized DOJ finding Donald Trump guilty of things which should have been thrown out of court brought by lunatics.

To add to this, Dictator Biden, after himself calling Donald Trump the greatest threat to democracy which brought about the violence in Butler PA, is fanning the flames in besmerching the character of Americans who will not accept a legitimate election.

Biden Says He's 'Not At All' Confident Peaceful
Power Transfer Will Happen If Trump Loses

Biden's Misstatement Says It All - No Peaceful
Transfer Of Power If Trump Wins

It has now been 4 years since the Biden fraud installation. There has not been one incident of violence in the Midterms where democrats took a greater majority control in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. The only violence which reared it's head was due to the Biden security forces not providing security nor answers again over what took place in Butler PA. In all of this, Americans on the right have been murdered in Ashli Babbitt shot, Roseanne Boyland was beat to death over the head, the Fire Chief had his brains blown out, Donald Trump narrowly missed being murdered and there has not been one violent reaction against democrats.

Democrats like AOC have instead rallied with others in demanding security for all candidates and forcing the resignation of the Biden head of the Secret Service.

All Americans on the right and left desire is fair. No one wants stolen elections. No one wants a despot.

Now will there be a problem in the results of the election if Donald Trump is voted into office and again this core group tries to deny him and the will of the people their vote by calling him a felon and saying he is disqualified? Yes there will be a political demand for what is fair. Barack Obama was not natural born. Kamala Harris is not natural born. Both should not have been allowed to run for office as it was not Constitutional, and yet the police state installed them and intimidated Americans. That is unfair but there was not violence. Americans shrug at these things and just know they are being cheated again, as they are cheated allot in everything now, because the crushing power of this police state.

What has taken place in America is a reality of Americans on the right and left, win or lose, are simply standing down. Democrats know they are led by a bunch of criminals and they are not at all enthused by this in supporting people they can not trust. The same is with Republicans in that is why Donald Trump was supported as no one wanted a Bush dynasty with Jeb! no more than these other national socialist frauds. That is what Joe Biden should be noting is the destruction of electorate trust and he is a part of it. He could have invested 4 years in pardoning people on Jan6. He could have cleaned up his party and the fake voters. He could have ended the police state and hedgefund graft, which in all Truth, just performed a coup against him, and yet Biden says nothing of this Obama Kamala election tampering, nor how Biden registered millions of foreigners for more vote fraud. Joe Biden speaks about peaceful transfer of power, and yet his actions have done nothing but fill voters in both wings with revulsion.

If Donald Trump legitimately loses this election, what people on the right will do, is be disgusted and wash their hands of this liberal woke majority. You saw no uprising in the US military in Christian Whites being persecuted, simply left and were not going to allow their younger siblings to sign up so the Pentagon has no troops. That is what Americans do. They stop buying Bud Lite no matter what Kid Rock and Donald Trump say and they unplug from everything from the Gender Scouts to the US military. Americans are unplugging from the regime. They are going to find ways to survive while paying taxes and observing laws, but there is not going to be any suckering them to die for this regime nor fight for Tel Aviv or Kiev. That will bring about the violence which Dictator Biden is mumbling about, but it will be the millions of Chinese and Muslims Biden Obama let into America with Harris to erase White Christians who will rise up against the FBI and Homeland in intifada as the PLA and Russian forces pin down the Pentagon to humiliating withdrawals. Biden's violence will come from his foreigners and foreign powers and peaceful Americans will look at it all, drive around National Guard roadblocks as they flip the the finger, and tell this insider regime to fight their own battles as Americans will sit on their porches drinking beer watching this theater and will enjoy the show as they now have a proxy group fighting against those who criminalized Americans.

People never went violent for Donald Trump when he had power and they trusted him. They are not going to go violent for him in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord as he ran out out on them in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

It is shameful in this legacy of Joe Biden. He never trusted that Americans were not going to be led over the edge by Donald Trump and  that he so weakened himself that Obama Inc performed a coup against him, as Joe Biden institutionalized perversion and greenlighted holocaust of Christians and Muslims.

Joe Biden was Barack Obama's 4th term, and it was a catastrophic failure in being out of reason and control. It is best summed up as paranoia treated with mass smearing of Americans and mass murdering of foreigners in proxy wars for the elite. Joe Biden in 4 years combined the ineptness of Harry Truman and the incompetence of Jimmy Carter. Truman's boogerman was Douglas MacArthur and Carter's was Ronald Reagan, and both MacArthur and Reagan were right. Donald Trump is Joe Biden's boogerman, and what is emerging is Donald Trump is no boogerman and Donald Trump was right on the economy, peace and defense.

It is the schism of Joe Biden's weakness as there is nothing American in his statement of the peaceful transfer of power. It is the peaceful transfer of the presidency, and if Joe Biden would have stood up in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord and promised Trump supporters, "I hear your concerns and when inaugurated, I will appoint 12  people to a commission with indicting powers to examine vote fraud and when they find it, to indict, with my promise that the findings they release will guide Congress to safeguard our elections, and I will sign that bill into law, and I will not stand for election, nor will Kamala Harris if we were installed by fraud".

This is all about the transfer of TRUST from one president to another president, not transferring power from one man to another. Abraham Lincoln repeated time and again to Americans, that he was just the executive custodian of the Constitution and it was the People who were in power.

Until a majority of American's brains start espousing what the Lame Cherry has written above as their outlook and understanding, we will all be the inmates of a power structure violating our moral rights to live and work as Americans.

Abraham Lincoln
Inauguration Speech March 1861 AD

By the frame of the Government under which we live, the same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief.; and have, equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals. While the People retain their virtue  and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years.

Nuff Said
