Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dueling to Restore Order


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking if America still had dueling as legal, none of this stuff would happen in a Governor calling for a mother and child to be raped and impregnated in a political opponent so they would see what it felt like to have an aborticide.

Yes I realize that democrats would hire like 5000 meth heads to challenge their opponents to death matches, but it would save on Fire Chiefs in Butler PA when it was out in the open. The things would level out as people on the right would start knocking off the big names hiding behind their hedgefunds and that would make all things civil again.

We are in a world now where Christian Virtue and Empathy for others is gone in millions of people. Civility is extinguished. There was a time that if a Kentucky man said something like the above, his Mama would have beat his ass bloody out in the woodshed to learn him some manners.

I actually  became more educated in this subject in looked it up about dueling in there is no real law against it, but you would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon etc... The law of combat in Texas is kind of pussy so it is just not a duel.

For that reason, I think JD Vance should put into place a National Dueling Law. You know safeguards in Lee Oswald could not challenge President John Kennedy or know you can't challenge some cripple or geezer if you are a strapping Doc Holiday. Otherwise I think making this legal would return America to Protestant Christian Order. Might be just the cheap thing to secure the borders, get as one person was commenting in making industry trolls responsible for screwing people over with bad decisions.

Sure there would be safeguards as I read one lawyer had a kook lawyer challenging him to a duel, so if a person is a kook, you have the right already to defend yourself as that is not a duel.

I'm all for a national dueling law, I see Jim Bowie ran out of ammo and went into a Bowie knife fight on a sandbar. I think that should be kosher in you bring your knife to a gun fight if you run out of bullets. I like the idea that people should be able to choose the weapon when challenged. Like a Vulcan weapon that Spock had when that sexy Arlene Martel had him fight Jim Kirk to get out of marriage. We don't want to get ridiculous in like drinking whiskey to death or a Javelin missile at 25 miles, but as long as both parties agreed, they should be able to go at it.

There was usually a second to shoot the other guy if they cheated, and rich people had a doctor, but other than that I would ban selfies and putting it on a podcast for money as this is a thing of honor and JD Vance has an honorable wife's vagina, unlike Nikki Haley who spread it around.

Think of all the lovely singleshot pistols which would be created for this. Pretty Bowie Knife sets, swords, rapiers, javelins, those Vulcan thing, Klingon on things, it is weapons and why it evolved as such as bullies beat people with fists and bullets protected the weak to have a fair shot at a big guy.

In closing this out, I'm not so disgusted by Andy Beshear, as a politician will say anything for even a loser like Kamala Big Mammy to rise to the cesspool top as others are not going to touch this verbal sewage.  This is all Beshear has,and as that drunk Tampon Tim has the top job, Beshear will never advance as he is the Beto of this  season. What disgusts me  is Mrs. Beshear and the women around this guy who have sold themselves as political whores in allowing this idiot to make them look bad and not protecting the nature of women. One jackass talking about raping a wife and child and the people who haul around Big Mammy only hear "Beshear says I can rape women and children." You just do not want dialect like that in society.

So I think the federal regime should make dueling legal again, without the penalties in the myriads of laws. A woman's body is her choice and when what goes on behind closed doors is private, certainly can be inclusive in a person's duel is their private choice.

High-Ranking Dem Goes On Live TV And Wishes
JD Vance’s Wife And Young Daughter Get Raped

In 1827, during the Sandbar FightJames Bowie was involved in an arranged pistol duel that quickly escalated into a knife-fighting melee, not atypical of American practices at the time.

On September 22, 1842, future President Abraham Lincoln, at the time an Illinois state legislator, met to duel with state auditor James Shields, but friends intervened and persuaded them against it.

In 1864, American writer Mark Twain, then a contributor to the New York Sunday Mercury, narrowly avoided fighting a duel with a rival newspaper editor, apparently through the intervention of his second, who exaggerated Twain's prowess with a pistol

An armed society is a polite society, and that would mean a dueling society is a self policing society. People would not do things if there was a duel at the end of their actions.
