Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Olgatrans for Moscow Victory

Dah, I am Olgatrans for Victory

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog warned, it will be American pilots in Kiev Nazi F 16's attacking and mass slaughtering Russians as the United States People are pushed to another world war which none of them want.

This latest Zellinskyy escapade of "invading Russia" is using up the last trained Kiev troops in an attempt to goad Russia into striking further to trigger NATO into this war to confiscate Russian resources and gold.

The Lame Cherry has not covered Ukraine a great deal lately as there is nothing interesting about Russian military slaughtering hosts of foreign troops hired by Kiev. The venture into Russia was just another pocket which Russia has allowed Ukraine to pour life into, to expose it and then kill it with precision weapons. One must comprehend that the damage to Kiev is not in the advance. The obliteration to Kiev is when their troops have to retreat. They are then exposed and will be wiped out.

While no one is stating the fact, what Kiev did in Russia had nothing to do with Russian lands. It had to do with contaminting the region by blowing up the nuclear power plant there. That is all Kiev is interested in, is being a Victoria Nuland WMD extension of biological or nuclear poisons to create a massive economic problem for Moscow.

What we are witnessing now is the last desperate risks of the Ashkejew of Kiev and Tel Aviv to sucker America into fighting and dying for their wars. Kiev militarily does not have the weapons to deal with Russia, no more than Tel Aviv has the weapons to deal with Islam. What we are viewing here is in mirror image of what DC has the nusances of the Houthi in the Mideast which is Kiev and the Vietnam War era for Tel Aviv in having advanced firepower which is not effective on the Viet Cong forces. Both theaters in Kiev and Tel Aviv are the wrong warfare, and it is deliberate as the United States is involved.


Western Analysts Fear That Russia And Iran
Could Launch Retaliatory Strikes Simultaneously


US Senator Graham In Kyiv Said That Ukraine
Could Hire American Pilots To Fly Their F-16s

Sen. Graham Visits Kyiv, Calls Ukraine’s Invasion
Of Russia’s Kursk ‘Beautiful'

Graham Demands US Send Ukraine ‘Long-Range
Weapons’ To Hit Targets Deep Inside Russian Territory

Belarus Began Moving Tanks To Uke Border

For those like the impatient Jeff Rense who harp on the need for Russia to end this war in victory, the Russian defense minister released a statement which is telling.

Belousov also said that Russia could achieve success on the battlefield only if the national defense industry is able to provide the army with the most advanced weapons, including high-precision systems. Other conditions that could give Moscow an edge involve honing new tactics – including in drone warfare – as well as creating a new command and control framework based on cutting-edge technology, and improving combat training.

What Moscow is stating is Russia can win, but Russia can not win with a Pyrrhic victory which destroys herself. The precision and satellite weapons are a threat to Russia on the battlefield. Russia must fight from security. For those unfamiliar with Ukraine in history, they should read of the battles there as Ukraine IS NOT GROUND THAT CAN BE HELD. Ukraine is not the wide sweeps of Poland which is even worse ground to try and hold, but Ukraine is ground on which combat can be engaged in for victory. This may not sound logical, but it is. You can win a war in Ukraine, but you can not set up defenses there to hold off another force as you will eventually lose. The Reich found that out. The Soviet's found that out. That is why Moscow is entrenched as she is, because if you lose in Ukraine, then it becomes Stalingrad sage warfare as there is nothing to stop a NATO advance until one gets to the Urals. You can hold at the Dneister and the Volga, but you can not stop an advance.

Russia appears to be hoping for a Trump installment in a running out the clock for another 6 months to January.  The problem of Kursk and Belgorod are Nazi and Soviet age old. This theater is mobile warfare whether tanks on land, drones or aircraft in the air. That is the way it is fought. It is not a place of light casualties in troops moving on the ground. Russia does not want to expend a hundred thousand troops over this nonsense.

Kursk does not expose Russia. It does drive back the air cover for these American F 16 mercenaries, but Kiev is exposed there and is intended to be the extension to fire long range missiles into Moscow for a political coup.

While American CIA is looking for a way to shift this in their own coup or Black Rock.

US lining up possible Zelensky replacement – Russian intel

Washington has identified Arsen Avakov as a viable successor because of his ties with both far-right groups and EU leaders, Moscow claims

In the projection of this, in early October, there should be a Moscow salvo from Kiev. The intention is to destabilize Russia, but the last phase of this is the protection of Odessa and the invasion of West Ukraine by NATO tanks, before a "peace" settlement is agreed to in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

The F 16's will be shot down, Ukraine will be nothing but a toxic factory of military poisons, as the hope is Russia will come forward, but I doubt Russia is going to leave her security zone as she knows not to expose herself.

It is very possible that Kamala's War in the Mideast is a threat by Russia to open there with Tehran to crippled Centcom as Russia moves to obliterate Kiev and drive the rulers to the West.

That is the analysis.

Nuff Said
