Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Robert The Kennedy

Justice for the Living and the Dead

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The drama about to unfold is vintage Joseph Kennedy.

By the links below, I will discuss this below. Meet you on the other side.

Trump Endorsement? RFK Jr To 'Address The
Nation’ This Friday Morning

RFK Jr Can Save Liberalism...By Endorsing Trump

RFK Jr Campaign Mulling Joining Forces With Trump

Trump Vows To Slash Energy Costs By Half If Elected

Trump, Vance Pledge To Reduce Crime, Re-Fund Cops

JD Vance - Trump Admin. Will Support Death
Penalty For Drug Dealers And Protect Police

The Lame Cherry was the first to call for Robert The Deuce Kennedy to be named by Donald Trump as the next Attorney General.

The Lame Cherry will state conditions now which I will rescind my non vote for Donald the deserter Trump.

IF Donald Trump would name Robert Kennedy jr as Attorney General, and IF Robert Kennedy will keep his hands off of the Second Amendment. IF there will be an end to the persecution of Americans, in an amnesty for all January 6th attendees, either Trump Supporters or ANTIFA to end this weaponization of Justice, and trustworthy examinations and findings before the public in the cases of  Joseph Kennedy jr,  John Kennedy sr, John Kennedy jr, Robert Kennedy sr, Martin King, Richard Nixon, the Branch Davidians, LaVoy Finnicum, Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland and Donald Trump, for America to obtain closure.

And IF Attorney General Robert Kennedy II unleashes the full power of the Department of Justice to break the monopoly of the hedge funds in control of Western civilization.

And IF the Attorney General will submit the FBI, US Attorneys, US Marshal, Homeland in all of their records to be opened to full Congressional review with indictment for prosecution, with all files released to the public with blacked out portions for security.

And IF the Attorney General will review the case of Gordon Kahl and his son still held in confinement.

I will support the lesser evil of Donald Trump and JD Vance for occupation of the White House.

Nuff Said
