Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jesus Get on the Pony

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was talking to the guy who delivers our winter fuel and he said something which I knew in, "I just woke up this summer one day and I just didn't give a shit". Yeah I know that feeling.

When the politics are war, seeking peace is treason. The drinking isn't helping the loneliness. Impatient and exhausted 

I struggle every day in I do not get anything done. This summer has been shit as I started out with a severe burn, then got sidetracked by a relative and entourage appearing which was very trying, then I have not been feeling the best as summer is shot in the ass by HAARP, and then working even more on this Trump Butler stuff............and I do have revelations coming which are gamechanging.

I was telling God that I could not see much point in the powerful God breaking people like Elijah or any of us. Yes it apparently is some touchstone in every one gets broke to their knees and does not want this anymore, and this happens with me it seems a few times a year, but I do not get my visitation as the other fortunate people do. As this is I think the End Times, the beginning of the Great Tribulation, I guess it is a bit rougher than what was before, so the best I can do is just dig down inside and move to the next day.

From what the fuel guy said, I honestly believe that there must be some frequency they are jazzing people with to depress them. It is a struggle and by it you just get through it and grow in Spirit, more Glory for God, but I'm not in much of a glorifying mood in feeling not the best.

I was listening to a gal in the farm store, as I had asked her about this ornery woman who works there. Short version, she is owly. She disappeared and I was glad, saw her in the grocery in one of those electric carts for cripples to get around. So at the farm store, I saw she was back..........I put the cart bac, and decided to be nice and say something positive. I told her I was glad to see her back that I had seen her in a wheelchair and glad she recovered".

To this I got, "I was not in a wheelchair I WAS ON CRUTCHES".

OK, time to extricate myself so I said again, "Was pleased she was doing good" and left. I think she knew she fucked up in her response, but what the other gal said, I took the version was that she was on her second marriage, and this guy is a trucker, and is up to the bar all the time, and she heard a woman's voice in the background.

I told TL that maybe if she was not such a beast, the husband would be home. I also said that maybe you tell #2 you are not going to be cheated on again and if that happens, the cock gets cut off and buried with you in the garden. You can't get a habit of being cheated on unless you allow it to happen.

She is not that bad of looking woman. Just ornery all the time. Yes she has problems, who the hell does not hae problems though. I can mention another gal we know, Amy, she has been vaxed and has been having medical problems from low iron, hernia, just got over e coli and looked like shit, and she was grinning yesteday as she had gone to her reunion and was wondering who all these fat old people were there she couldn't recognize. Apparently there was a cheerleader there now dressing out at 300 pounds and she shaved her head. Yes nothing like being vax phat and drawing more attention to your ugly by shaving your head. Amy just is going to put on a happy face, have a good time and that is why she sought us out and talks to us, because people see we put on the happy face, bullshit people, have fun and brighten the moment.
Now I am not Amy, getting sloshed, sleeping with a bucket on my face in case I puke as I do not think I can move again, but my drinking is usually in winter stress, a shot of some kind of homemade potion I brew up, and  that puts me out so I can sleep.

Just remember that demons are out there, that they come off other people and do leave a bad buzz on people. I woke up a month ago with high anxiety like last winter. Have been off ever since. I get more shit from doing this blog in being paid attention to, but I amy want to quit, but I ain't going to quit, so it is one more day to the next and my smart ass prayer yesterday was for "Jesus to get on His pony", that is in reference to the White Horse He rides in Revelation and Warrior King.

God is very good to me, as He rounded up a salvaged ATV for us from JYG, Of course that means a battery, a carb and now a stator coil, and as God had a kid from Texas appear before I bought it for 250 bucks, who said he could fix ATV's, I figured it was an adventure to save our legs hauling wood and other things. Is just I would prefer some other Nigger would be doing the dealing with this as all I want is to just let this shitty world go by.

I'm just going to be highly disappointed if things do not go to shit pretty soon as I really want to see all these sinners suffer and die. Yes I see more and more going vax kidding can not recognize some people now in how vax dead they are and it is picking up speed as some people we saw 6 months ago and they look like they aged 20 years.

Good is now bad and bad is now said good. God told us that.

If you ever read Bambi, when he gets shot and wants to lay there, the Old Stag appears and tells him to get up and moving. That is how it is. That Vulcan will power to keep moving through time and shedding the emotions that want to make us quit. Someday Jesus is out there with a White Horse and that is the day I'm moving to. With satan bound, it may take a bit of prodding for Jesus to get me up and moving as I want a break from this for a long while.

Am waiting to see what AI loads in Jesus on a pony. When I get that, I get up and moving to get some things done more on a dreary HAARP dead cloud sky day. Sun will shine again eventually.

May the Holy Ghost Comfort and Strengthen all the Lame Cherry children in Jesus Name Amen

Nuff Said
