Sunday, August 18, 2024

It was worse than what the Nazi did

The prisoner would be bent over a desk with his hands placed in front of him, handcuffed.  

The female soldier, standing behind him, would insert her fingers and other objects into his rectum. 

When he reacted or moved back, the soldier standing in front of him would hit him in the head and force him to bend again. 

It was one of many stories he heard in detention, Salem added.

Salem said he was also touched in his private parts by a female soldier and had objects inserted in his rectum at some point.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States owes Michael Johnson and Lyndie England their lives back over the smears they were convicted over in Abu Gharib, for the "crimes" of having a dog bark at an Iraqi soldier and putting an Iraqi soldier on a dog leash.

When one reads what the Tel Aviv state is engaged in, in having 18 year old girls stick their fingers up Gaza men's rectum, inserting objects into the anus to make them bleed, beating them as they force them to bend over a desk, and then literally fondling their testicles and masturbating these prisoners is crimes against humanity, but also an indictment against the entire Ashkejew people, as this is Mosaad and Shin Bet training. Normal people do not engage in rape, and yet rape is what is the tool of the Ashkejew in males are raping West Bank prisoners and making the prisoners chant that Netayahu is raping their mothers and sisters.

“You stand on one leg for two hours, then they would tell you: ‘Do you want me to help you?’ And when you say yes, they tell you to say, ‘I am the son of a whore, I am the brother of a whore’, to say ‘Netanyahu fucked my sister, am Yisrael chai [the people of Israel live]. Now repeat after me, am Yisrael chai! Am Yisrael chai! A hundred times'."

“They would say: ‘No, I didn’t like that, repeat it once more.’ And you keep repeating it hundreds of times and then you see that you have been standing for two hours, so all this was for nothing.”

When the leftist Ashkenaz press went after George W. Bush over "abuses" in Iraq it was a global outcry. Yet in this era, we have Kamala Harris for Joe Biden condoning mass rape and Speaker Johnson giving the Prime Minister of Tel Aviv 58 standing ovations in Congress.

The People's House of America has become a den of holocaust praise as the dictator of Kiev, another Ashkejew receives the same Netanyahu praise while cutting organs out of Russians for sale.

Dog Handler in Abu Ghraib Photo Found Guilty : NPR

Sgt. Michael J. Smith is found guilty on six of 13 counts of abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Smith was the dog-handler in a photo of a black dog lunging for an orange-clad

US soldier in leash photo found guilty - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

FORT HOOD: US soldier Lynndie England was found guilty on Monday of abusing prisoners at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison in...

This rape of Philistines is from the same Mosaad training of sociopaths which had two DC cops murdering Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland on January 6th. DC cops kept a doctor from helping the wounded unarmed Babbitt and the other beat Roseanne Boyland to John Kennedy brain explosion death with a bat to the head as she lay on the cement.

For those who shrug this off in the worship of the Jew as Ziongelicals, just remember the new WHO directives will deploy Mosaad trained thugs with guns to force a monkey or bird bug injection into you against your will or throw you into a Mosaad FEMA prison, as there is no check or balance on the butchery which has been unleashed from Kiev and Tel Aviv.

Michael Johnson and Lyndie England's lives were ruined over a political stunt. The United States Congress and media is cheering mass rape in Gaza and the West Bank. This is abhorrent and not American.

Reichsmarshal Heinrich Himmler in World War II was concerned about his troops involved in mass executions in realizing it would harm them.  Read that again if you do not comprehend Nazi's were worried about their troops being psychologically damaged for committing rapes, beatings and murders of other people. There is none of that in the Jews of Tel Aviv who have made this state sponsored out of Mosaad, IDF intel and Shin Bet as a training ground for brute force control which will be turned loose on secular Jews.

Just ask yourself if you had a daughter, or were going to date an 18 year old Jewish girl who was raping and torturing men in prison. Would you honestly wan them around your house or to marry them? Someone who sticks their fingers up other people's butts and jacks them off to humiliate them?

These are now trained and conditioned women in this world, along with the rape cock males of the West Bank. They will become harder and put into positions of power and be training Western military and police forces in the same methods to be turned on Europeans and Americans.

The Nazi's knew this was harming their troops. American condemned it. The Jews are engaged in it, but now Congress is giving this standing ovataions instead of a Nuremberg trail

Nuff Said
