Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Running Man

Just because  I'm a Jew running does not mean I was in on it.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is another video which sheds more evidence on the assassination / stampede plot in Butler PA. 

It appears that the uniformed officer on the roof with two in camo, standing over the body is the person who crawled on the roof and fell off, as in this video you can see this farmer tan cop come into view.

That aside, we have more answers and more questions. Namely this video shows the shooter who was on the east edge and was supposed to be crawling. The runner shooter who was shot in the head was in the mid roof.

What the video shows is  this shooter with the backpack, apparently had placed his backpack not by the junipers, but on the roof above another air conditioning unit, which was close the street entrance. Nor firearm is seen, but this shooter is throwing the backpack around which is......if you are intending to shoot people and this is your firearm, you do not bust guns on roofs throwing your gun around in a backpack.

So perhaps the rifle was further up on the last roof.

What we see is "Tom Crooks" running like hell. Again this is someone looking to get where he wants to be. This kid practiced shooting, even as a bad shot. The point is, he was not in place, and looks like he is running to catch up to the speech. Running, sweating, racing heart and excitement does not make for someone who can hit anything with open sites. 

You can see that one cop sweating like a pig. The roof if hot the day is hot. Crooks should be soaked crawling up and he is not sweaty.

Below the yellow line is "Crooks" route. The blue line is a cop coming out of the trees who sees the shooter on the roof running, not to be confused with another person shot in the head, running  on the near roof minutes before.

This is an illustration by the Lame Cherry of the position which the sniper stated he saw Crooks, then Crooks moved and he lost him. Crooks goes through this open area away from the Trump position and crawls on the roof on an AC unit which even Joe Biden could have gotten up on. The backpack emerges after this sequence, and has been stashed on the roof somewhere.

Also the way this person is moving, he has been on that roof before and is well acquainted with the route.

All of us have been on metal roof in rain and hail and they are noisy. This person ran across a roof which had law enforcement below.

Finally was the videos positioning of the shooter on the east side of the roof. It took me a bit to figure out what was being shown as the tent must be from the farm show which was later, an the two buildings I have circled and then drawn a line to, are two outlier buildings. The angles appear to be wrong as this angle would have to be looking at them from the sniper barn position which is behind the first tree.

All of this starts coming into play with AI generated images as Rook to King's pawn 4 could not take place in a chess program by Spock.

All evidence which is legitimate improves the understanding of this Butler Event.  Tom Crooks as he signed his name is the subject of this. His actions fit the projection that he was part of a group who intended to stampede the people at this rally, to self injury as the cops on Jan6 abused Citizens to have the trampled or shot dead.

There are literally 90 plus percentile of trained soldiers who running, under pressure in being shot at, laying on a hot roof burning them, distractions of people yelling at them, who could not hit a plate size target at 100 yards. We know this as officers were reminding infantry in line to AIM LOW as they always hot high, marching across a field, out of breath, being shot over, people yelling and their firing over their target by 5 feet.

This video's value is revealing there were enough law enforcement on scene in local police to deal with this area. It confirms that "Crooks" had his backpack on the roof, had been on the roof to familiarize himself with the route, know the blind spot, and know that he could not be on that roof as it was too exposed in he would be seen, so he had to loiter among the police.

We also know that he never moved to his location until eiher Mr. Trump was introduced or he heard Mr. Trump speaking, and then he was playing catch up in having to run across the roof.

There is always more information in these videos than the always experts recognize. This video was known for over a month and should have been made available immediately, as while some might charge more police incompetence, this shows ample police in the area to put restraints on someone sitting there, looking suspicious 90 minutes before.

The person throwing this backpack, appears to have a pack which is quite large and full of something. The pack which appears later seems to not be the same equipment. No inventory on what was in that pack, in all we have is FBI Director Wray stating that Crooks had a blood covered receipt in his pocket from buying that ladder.

Nuff Said
