Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This Too America


They crucified Jesus too.

Johnny Burnette - Dreamin' - YouTube

1960, a big breakthru for Johnny Burnette: this song was a top ten hit in the US.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not know why the FBI did not show up at 6 AM at Scott Ritter's home, in the dark, with shoot to kill orders as they did at the Trump mansion,  or at least molest his library the way Paul Manafort's wife was left in her nightie or at least got the Roger Stone treatment, as this just seems the DOJ wants Ritter alive so they can do a Jan6 on him and keep him in prison in his underwear for life.

Ritter's problem is like all of this, and it is the interference of Ukraine oligarch cash to the proper criminals. That is what got Manifort and if you watch the focus of this on the foreign agent law, that is representing Russia over the oligarch cash and interfering with it. This  law will be stretched and massaged and Ritter will be caught.

Scott Ritter claims search of home is related to 'foreign agent' law

I do believe it is telling in the FBI always shows up in the dark and shoots people. It is the game plan. For them to do this daylight thing is another purpose and message. They want this parade of boxes, a media event with Ritter being crucified in his Jesus t shirt, so that the message of intimidation is in the public eye.

They want Ritter alive to break him in legal bills and take everything he has until they put him into old man geezer prison. Tulsi Gabbard is on the list, but she has sense to stay in America.

This is Scott Ritter's problem in the photo below. A book tour in Russia just before State seized his passport and left him hanging around for the FBI to finger his undies. I thought I read that he had kiddie porn evidence planted on him before, so Ritter is primed for a history where he is talking to people like General Mike Deep State Flynn was and the next thing you know you got some kind of legal jeopardy going on and someone with above the law power is powering you into jail.

It has always fascinated the Lame Cherry in the reporting on this, that Edward Snowden, that odd military shemale and that other political prisoner,  I forget his name, but Pammy Anderson from Playboy was visiting him in jail, all were anti Hillary left wingers.
If you look at the line up of Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Scott Ritter etc... these are all lefists battling the Marxists and Obama and  Hamrod are really pissed off in that faction in who this group is being cuddled up by to promote them.

The above get quite a bit of quotes on this popular girl blog for the reason, you can not find any reasonable people on the right any more with a brain. They either worship Jews or they are homos like Lindsey Graham. One simply does not have any intellectual expansion going on in the right as it use to flourish. The left you might a well listen to John Thune as you get the same drivel there. Who fits into this Ritter group is Max Blumenthal and that Grey Zone Bombay babe, they do some real interesting reporting in the stories they produce as you will learn things in reading articles there.

But you know Russell Bentley got ass raped in Ukraine and his head blown off over this same Ritter stuff in a basic message of peace and people should have the right to self determination.

I'm sorry as you do not know I was just doing a check on this story before sealing it up for publication and I'm sitting here silently laughing at the staged photo of the FBI Agents carrying out boxes. Yes the premier Quantico trained Agents of law enforcement are all about 5.4, women and blacks, and none of this J Edgar Hoover and Eliot Ness stuff, no they are U Haul employees, not a suit and tie in the assembly and all looking like that is what Quantico taught them, to haul boxes around.

Each one of these short people have family, who have bragged about their FBI kid, and now their friends are looking at them and not saying what they are thinking in, "The FBI does not let your kid carry a gun, but they are issued a box which is browner than Kamala Harris".

I hope none of these women got a rupture as two boxes of paper are heavy, and UPS only forces their carriers to lift only 150 pounds. I think UPS pays better than the FBI too.......but you do have to be taller than short people.

Nuff Said

Randy Newman - Short People (Official Video) - YouTube

Randy Newman - Short People (Official Video)From the album Little Criminals (1977)
