Saturday, September 21, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With account being released that Kiev with drones hit the main Russian supply depot blowing it up, there are also reports that these were long range missiles.The Lame Cherry has studied this for you as you would not know what to look for. I can tell you that this was not drones.I can also tell you that these were not long range missiles.

I will tell you what this was.

Video Of A MISSILE Hitting A ’Nuclear Proof’ Russian
Ammunition Depot In Russia - This Was NO DRONE
Russia Is Hiding This Catastrophe Claim It Was A ‘Fire’
That Caused The Mammoth Blast And Loss Of Ammo

Expert Commentary - A MISSILE Hits A HUGE Russian Ammo
Dump Deep In Russia Today - In Lebanon, Jews Now Blowing
Up IPhones, Radios, Watches And Solar Now Exploding

Stunning Number Of Americans Actually SUPPORT
Violence Against Trump - Many Want Him Dead

17% Say America Would Be Better Off If
Trump Had Been Killed

Police Discover Explosives In Car Near Trump
Rally On Long Island

USGS Reports Strange Explosion On 9-13-24 At Or
Near The Jim Creek Naval Submarine Antenna Facility
In WA - Russian Cruise Missile Warning Shot? - Turner

As Kiev could not do this alone, this was NATO providing some kind of network cover, for stealth to probably 2 Soviet MIG 29's armed with rocket engine boosted JDAM ER's.

As stated Drones can not carry they type of tonnage to hit ammo depots and cause a chain reaction.  Long range missiles would be seen incoming on the video. That is what the above video shows though is not a chain reaction which either the person got wrong or is lying, but you see 5 seperatee detonations, which look like a 500 pound class bomb. I have 4 in the above, the 5th is to the right of the small light, which you can watch on Twitter if you care to.

MiG-29 Fulcrums Are Ukraine’s JDAM-ER Bomb Trucks

Unlike the Storm Shadow with its onboard turbojet engine, JDAM-ER lacks any propulsion of its own, limiting its range to how far it can glide on its wings. The latest addition to

I have zero doubts about the above conclusions. This is typical in Kiev being allowed to not tell daddy DC and London what is being coordinated with NATO military so they do not get nuked. Russia said no long range missiles, so it was fudged with glide bombs. It was called drones so Russia could not bitch about the JDAM's having rocket engines on them.

What is of consequence here, and what the Kremlin is going to be concerned about is two MIG;s got into their airspace and were not noticed. That defeated the Russian security system in either stealth paint or added radar absorbing electronics. In either case, this tells Moscow this is first strike technology  from NATO, which means that Russia knows F 16's and the F 35 nuclear suicide fighter will penetrate Russia on nuclear bombing runs............that means Russia is vulnerable, that means China is vulnerable, that means North Korea and Iran are vulnerable and will be confirming the establishent of pre positioned nuclear bombs in mass in Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia.

This stunt for Kamala for President is a massive escalation which will bring far reaching future consequences as it has alerted Moscow of a hole in their defenses. One is not supposed to show and adversary holes in their defenses over nothing bombing runs, so that when you need to respond with nuclear weapons, that hole is there and not closed up by your adversary.

Everyone missed this in the analysis. This is the most dangerous scheme since Zelinskyy sent in terrorists to murder Russians in mass at Moscow.

The JuCru is about to ignite more violence to spread this in Lebanon to get this going before the Tel Aviv Babylonian high days.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
