Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Twilight's Last Gleaming of American History

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Tucked away beyond the propaganda of Ken Burns and other apologists of the Civil War, there is two volume history by Carl Sandberg of Abraham Lincoln in the war years. President Elect Lincoln rode a train from Illinois to Washington City upon election and stopped at Lafayette Indian to address a crowd of 20,000 there.

His words were about unification and togetherness and the quote posted below, But this simple quote about the 99% plus of  the Christian majority in these United States was met with a vitriol from an affluent minority prospering in America.

I find myself far from home and surrounded by thousands I now see before me who are strangers to me. Still we are bound together in Christianity,civilization and patriotism. We all believe in maintenance of the Union, of very star and stripe of the glorious flag.

- President Elect Abraham Lincoln.

The minority were the Ashkenaz converts to Abrahamic religious traditions from Babylon and what they responded with in volley of words cut Mr. Lincoln down.

For Jews stating that Abraham Lincoln pandered to them and was propagandized by one rabbi of being a Jew, the response to Mr. Lincoln's simple unification of Americans was met with scalding, hate filled diatribe from the Editor, Isaac Wise, of the Israelite publication, which ended with, "Lincoln is a fucking retard who is not smart enough to know how to speak. In  time, we will educate this illiterate hick on how the situation is."

Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
Editor - Israelite newspaper of Cincinnati Ohio
(Mayer is the Ashkenaz family name of the pawnbrokers Rothchild)

Editor of the Israelite:

Mr. Lincoln received the heaviest vote of  infidels ever given to any man in this country. We do not believe there is a German infidel, American eccentric, spiritual rapper or atheist in the Northern States who did not vote for Mr. Lincoln. Let us see how much benefit he will derive from their Christianity. He does not care for words. By and by he will learn the precise use and import of terms.

The First Edition of The Israelite (1854) - American Jewish Archives

On July 15, 1854, Isaac M. Wise published the first edition of his weekly newspaper The Israelite, which would later become The American Israelite. At the time of its creation,

The American Israelite - Wikipedia

The first Jewish newspaper published in Cincinnati was the English-language The Israelite, established on July 15, 1854. It was also among the first Jewish publications

Now you will never read of this erased diatribe by this Ashenaz minority attacking Abraham Lincoln as history has been sanitized.  Carl Sandberg would never be published today with the above quote which interestingly the volumes I have, paid 80 cents for, came from a Catholic Abbey as they cleaned out their library. There were four volumes and I have the first two. This though was 1939 AD in the year of our Lord, when America was still a free nation with a First Amendment, which factual history was still available to the American Protestant Christian majority.

As we move to the coming elections, and review all the candidates bowing to Tel Aviv and Kiev at the expense of Americans, the twilight's last gleaming of American history is being erased by the rocket's red glare.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
