Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Percentage of Your Life

We are the government now Buddy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thee difference between your liFe and a lie is only the F.

- Lame Cherry

An FBI Whistleblower is in the news warning Americans to vote and have supplies to arm themselves.

FBI Whistle Warns US - Stock Up On Food, Water, Guns

FBI Whistleblower Warns Americans - 'Arm Yourself'

What is being missed in this is his advice to group yourselves with 3 to 4 neighbors who you can trust.

While all of you have been living in luxury, I got a great lesson in that in people I have known my entire life that I thought I could network with and count on, and in a bad winter, one chewed my ass and told me to sell out, another ruined my feed and then hid like a fucking coward, so we were almost destroyed.

One came through and it was people who had criminals in their family, or criminal records are who came through as  good neighbors.

So each of you is kind of in a tight spot, as your neighbors are probably worse shit than mine and you have a finite group who is on your block who are ethnics or nosy old liberal bats who would call the cops on you.

The network is the percentage of your life. Some people like Richard and Stephanie are gold. They hav each other and each of them is worth 10 other people, so they can count on each other and ahve proven that. Maggie is in a community which has good sound people who will posse together. Others lie Nathaniel are in small America among family, another plus.

In all of these from my experience, I can assure you, that your worst problems are going to come from Goddamn family members having to go out, having to share with some mongrel, having  to cause problems in going nuts. It is all in the percentages. Food, water and shelter are not going  to be enough, nor is being armed, nor is just trusting in God, because God gave you sense that you had better be ready to not get involved in things and that means people who are going to cause you problems.

It will sort out quite fast in who can be relied upon and who can not. That is wher the hunkering down,  drapes so lights do not show out and a sign like I mentioned of QUARANTINE. by the CDC. A buff is better than a bullet.

You can quote me on that.

A bluff is better than a bullet.

- Lame Cherry.

The first thing is not to cause problems in your inner circle which is where you eat and sleep. EVERYONE in that house must be not causing problems.

None of this comes up, and this is or WHEN ALL POLICE ARE GONE and you have to do more tha police yourselves, but in order to survive it will be 1950's America where a leader in your gorup is goig to have beat up the trouble makers.

It reminds me of Captain Charles Ting of the Merchant Marine back in 1814  AD in the year of our Lord. He had a small sailing ship for trade. He got a new crew who went mutiny to test him and woul have probably killed him. He took up a wooden pin that the ropes were tied to, and he busted a number of heads in some really tough and strong men. Ting later said, "They just wanted a strong man over them and had to have that proven to them. Once they were put into line, they were a good crew".

If people do not police themselves a bully will arise and do the job and you will serve  that smarmy lot which usually has some manipulative woman egging on the penis appendages.

So each of you had better do what I have had to do, in assessing your neighbors in who the problems will be and who might be able to be counted on, but you NEVER trust anyone past petting distance as you are not going to be afforded any mistakes.

I would that JYG was my neighbor, but I got some pretty good people here up close. At Grandpas, that one is not to be trusted ever. I hope God kills that SOB before things meltdown as I will not br burned again.

It is the community of people self policing which is going to have to appear. You are going to evolve your own leaders, as your city elected are going to be too far away and the cops will be gone..........and you do not want to be cuddling up with any military unless you like being raped, robbed and murdered as that is what the military is trained to do in destroy and take.

That is your lie percentage and life percentage.

Nuff Said

