Sunday, September 29, 2024

Who is Disrupting American Elections


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Defense Intelligence Agency is the source for the stories by Matt Gaetz and others that missile assassination teams have been smuggled into the United States via the open borders, utilizing the Mexican cartels.........

The Lame Cherry will repeat as Gaetz in the propaganda named Iran, Pakistan and Ukraine. You were informed that it is Mosaad who manages Iran for blame, Ukraine is the DC Kaganites and Pakistan is British MI6. So when you see 3 teams activated, who are the same working groups who were offshore for John Brennan's CIA FBI supergroup that framed Russiagate, this is in house, as much as it was in house at Butler and the Golf attempts.

There is not any way that the FBI does not know with it's myriad of infiltrators, Five Eyes out of the NSA, Stingray and connections to MI6, Mosaad and the NeoCoM's yes with an M, that they do not know where these groups are and where the missiles are.

If you need a reminder, there were the California wildfires during Obama, which were cartel contracts and Eric Holder shut that down in days. Same with the Vegas shooting was Iranian contracted for Mexican cartel shooters. Things only happen when they are sanctioned and when not sanctioned, the operation is shut down without a word.

So global assassination is now the norm. Gee where did this all start but the above group trying to knock off Putin out of Kiev, and now Tel Aviv has been murdering leaders for sometime and expanding the operation. Same committee is behind all of this and working together in "don't mention it and don't tell me" stance.

Iran's Supreme Leader Transferred To Secure
Location As Region Braces For What's Next

Iraqi Forces On High Alert In Case Of Israeli Attacks

Multiple Sources Now Confirm Infowars
Reports Of Surface-To-Air Missiles Inside US
To Target 'Trump Force One'

Biden Backs Israel's Assassination Of Nasrallah,
Hailing 'Justice' - As Russia Warns Of Bigger War

Everyone knows the source in this and that is why they have gone into hiding in this leadership decapitation. This is all the cartel has left as Kabala is not going to win and she can not steal this election. This is the last DT Stop they have as they are not going to goad Russia or Iran into a war to install Kabala or Big Mike in a coup.

The DIA has been squawking in all of this producing information. Wisconsin was cancelled by the Secret Service in a Trump event as something was set up there. The Golf assassin had Trump's schedule into October. Trump is going to be installed, unless some device goes off. Those behind this know the turmoil which will follow as it will end America politically. I have not inquired as I do not have time with non donors, as I have to try and nigger rig together things for our survival.

This Health Ranger posting that he was first on Alex Jones with this death warrant is really disgusting. This is not about fear porn in who got the exclusive first. This is about getting information out there so God forbid, something happens, that we are not led like a mob into the streets as in the Jan6 set up, and blaming Pakistan, Iran, or Ukraine..........because who the frick gave these people the weapons and left the borders open, blew up their countries and flew them into America?

Iran has already stated they have no intention of violence against Donald Trump as what they want is Donald Trump, humiliated, hauled before a world court and then convicted. Look at who is using assassination as a form of war. That is who is behind this.

That is the focus of this to keep all the political candidates safe.

Nuff Said
