Monday, September 9, 2024

Americans Invented The Alphabet


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting and meandering  treatise on Nimrod, the rebel, or his real name of, Enmerkar.

It has a great deal of information and conjecture, but I pasted something below which caught my attention as it is a trace on the work of others in the link between Americans and the Israelite tribe of Joseph in language. It turns out that Jospeh and the son of America, actually created the first 22 letter alphabet which we can see traces of today in what is the English alphabet based on this Hebrew or Sons of Eber recording device.

This is self explanatory, but I wanted to share this as it was the first time I was aware that we created our own recording alphabet  thousands of years ago which we still have in form today.

D. ORIGIN OF ALPHABET: Joseph and Manasseh invent the world’s first alphabet

1.      See details: Hebrew is the world’s first alphabet: The World's Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew As the Language of the Proto-consonantal Script, Douglas Petrovich, 2016 AD

2.      Between 1859-1842 BC, Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh invented the world’s first alphabet shortly after they moved to Avaris also known as Tel el Dab’a.

3.      Hebrew is the mother Alphabet of all other languages including English. English, Phoenician and Arabic are derived directly from Hebrew.

4.      The Hebrews selected 22 of the 734 Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols as their alphabet “character set”, one for each of the 22 phonic sounds in Hebrew. Although each of the 22 Egyptian hieroglyphs had an Egyptian word associated with it, the Hebrews ignored this and assigned a corresponding Hebrew word to represent the hieroglyph. The first letter of each word represented that sound in their alphabet (acrophony). For example, the Egyptian word for cow is KA but the Hebrew word for cow is ALEPH. The Egyptian hieroglyph for cattle was a cow head with horns and is pronounced “KA”, but the Hebrew word for cattle was “ALEPH”. Since the first letter/sound was “A”, the ox head became the symbol for the Hebrew letter A. We can therefore prove that our English alphabet is derived directly from the Hebrew Alphabet because our “rotated” letter A represents a cow. Cow = the letter C not A in English.


5.      Further, we can prove English (and all other alphabets) is derived from Hebrew phonograms and NOT Egyptian phonograms, because each letter of the English alphabet “echos” the corresponding word-picture in Hebrew, NOT Egyptian. For example, the English letter “A” is derived directly from the Egyptian pictograph of a “cow head” (F1) and has a “K” sound. As we can see the phonic correspondence is broken, even though the same pictograph is used. Yet in Hebrew the letter “A” corresponds to the Hebrew word for “cow/cattle”: Aleph. It is obvious then, that the sound of the English letter A was derived from Hebrew not Egyptian, even though all three languages use a cow to represent the letter A.


E. Four Hebrew Scripts and the Transmission of the Hebrew Bible

1.      Mosaic-Hieroglyphic 1859-1050 BC

The first Hebrew alphabetic script was hieroglyphic in appearance because it borrowed 22 of the 756 Egyptian hieroglyphs and assigned them a new phonic sound. The Pentateuch and the Ten Commandments were written in this script.

2.      Paleo-Hebrew 1050-458 BC

The second Hebrew script was perfected by Samuel at his Naioth prophet’s school. He converted the five books of Moses into this script. During the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC, many bulla were excavated in this script. The famous High Priestly benediction silver scroll is also written in this script.

3.      Aramaic-Hebrew 458-AD 70

Ezra converted all bible books into this new format. Paradoxically, although the Jews invented the first alphabet, they adopted the latter Aramaic form of the alphabet. While the shape of each letter was different, they sounded exactly the same for the most part. The great readings of scripture on Ezra’s little podium were the unveiling of this new script.

4.      Masoretic-Hebrew AD 600-present

Vowel accents were added to the Hebrew alphabet for correct soundings. In the 1880’s when the long extinct Hebrew was re-introduced into the infant state of Israel, the vowel accents were critical in teaching ancient Hebrew to a modern generation.

Nuff Said
