Monday, September 9, 2024

The Pentagon Primate for Nuclear War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was a most interesting article in what the Pentagon of the United States in DARPA has engineered to fight a nuclear war. Again, to jolt you, there are no victors in nuclear war. All there will be are survivors. The Lame Cherry will state this, there is a globalist nuclear madness in the order of battle in this group has committed to using nuclear warheads.

The invention is being termed a Super Fuse. The Lame Cherry asks you to picture a missile which is launched in weather, wind and the conditions of forces of gravity and obsolete systems which all affect accuracy.

When a warhead hits near space, it is aimed from it's silo and NORAD tracking.  Picture your throwing a basketball at a hoop at the other end of the court, with wind blowing in different gusts, how often do you think you would hit the hoop?

But you would answer, I have a nuclear bomb basketballs so I do not have to hit the hoop. That is true, but you must increase the explosive power for your near misses to destroy your target, and your basketball bomb will also be falling short and going long, causing even more problems in your not hitting your target.

That is what the Super Fuse attempts to deal with, as it reaches it's zenith, it takes an altitude and other readings and corrects whether the warhead is long, short or too high or low and then it compensates. The reason this matters is, the Pentagon has it in it's head now that it can use small 100 kiloton warheads which are more accurate, instead of the 400 kiloton which it does not have enough of, which compensate inaccuracy with yield.

In the case of the conventional fuse, the warheads land on a plane around the target, some falling outside the lethal volume while others fall within. In the case of the super-fuze, shown in the right inset, each warhead is placed inside the lethal volume, resulting in a much higher percentage of warheads on the different trajectories killing the target.

The super-fuze achieves its fantastic increase in killing efficiency by measuring its altitude at a chosen time while it is still outside the atmosphere but relatively close to its target. If the measurement gives the desired altitude, the fuse determines no corrections are needed. If the altitude is too high, the fuse determines that the path-length and altitude must be changed to assure that the detonation occurs inside the lethal volume.

If the altitude is too low, this means that the warhead will fall short of and outside the lethal volume.This is corrected by intentionally choosing the aim point slightly beyond the target. By shifting the aim point, the fuse both increases the chances that warheads that would otherwise fall both short and long of the lethal volume will be compressed in range (as illustrated in the left inset of Figure 1) to detonate within the lethal volume.

The military implications of this “technically sweet” added capability to U.S. ballistic missile warheads has major implications for the war-fighting capabilities of the United States.

The Lame Cherry has stated and will restate that as no one has ever fought a missile war with nuclear missiles, we do not know what will happen with these long range systems. There are counter nuclear missiles which can intercept, there are Russian S 500 systems which track in space and incoming which will hit these warheads.

There might be some 200 mph jet stream which these warheads can not compensate for.

It would be a hell of a thing to first strike Russia and China, and find out that our warheads never hit anything and America is then facing over 6000 warheads coming in which probably will hit what they are aimed at.

There once was a quite normal reasoning in the Soviet Union and the United States that one simply did not start nor fight a nuclear war, because no one would win the thing and all there would be survivors.

I will repeat here the conversation Jackie Kennedy had with her President husband, Jack about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Jackie asked her husband if they were going to evacuate. Jack plainly said to his wife, "No. There will be nothing worth living for after the war".

That does sum up the reality of nuclear war. Jack Kennedy if it came to it was going to sit in his Oval Office rocking chair, launch the missiles and sit there and wait to be vaporized by Soviet missiles.

For a madness reason  at the Pentagon trusting in super space weapons, and primates who have zero comprehension of humanity, this group has decided that if you make nuclear weapons small in F 35's that Russia will not escalate when bombed or if they use Super Fuse nukes that this will give them an edge to fight a nuclear war. Neither is the case as thousands of nuclear warheads falling on America is going to be not fighting a nuclear war, but an America radioactive to every plant, deer, human, cell phone in Cobalt 60 and all that gold that absorbs radiation.

This sounds quite liberal, but there needs to be a public reaction where people reject this fighting nuclear war scenarios and the removal of these primates who are thinking this way, to once again enter into Richard Nixon detente and Ronald Reagan disarmament with the Eurasians, in not thinking about nuclear war, but co existing peace.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

