Sunday, September 8, 2024

Time for Kamala's Close Up


But I just had a baby and am menstruating, am coloured, a woman
with a headache and my beasty Jew husband wanted sex homo style, 
and my teleprompter doesn't like me, my staff hates me and I can't lactate,
and my nipples hurt.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog predicted, Kamala Harris is flat lined and about to go into free fall. She is looking at a 20 point decline that even slaughtering more Gazans or nuking Russia is not going to fix.

Kamala Harris before the Presidential Debate has one huge problem and that problem is Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris can do an Obama Nigger Speak accent, but she is not that bright and she has an annoying Michelle Obama voice with the repulsive reality that she whines. That works good for pussyhat men hating women hating on Trump in crowds, but it is an absolute projection of weakness.

If Kamala Harris tries to gotcha Donald Trump she will look like an off putting bitch.

If Kamala Harris tries to project herself she will get shrill and turn voters off.

Kamala Harris is WEAK and anything she tries is going to make her appear weaker. That is why Obama Inc chose her, so she would never be a contender against Big Mike. Gavin Newsome smells the blood in the water in there is a coming repudiation of woke Kamala, and he is moving to the center in California politics for 2028 AD in the year of our Lord. That is Pelosi's bunch of hard hitters who hired Kamala to be Willie Brown's whore to drive Blacks out of San Fran for the queers. Kamala was a prop and all she had to do with charge Niggers with big bail amounts and he won by confiscating their parent's property for the rich fags.

Kamala Harris is a political doorstop who in Affirmative Hoovering never developed one iota of presence. She is a wog from India who never read the Dinesh D'Souza Reagan files on how to be American.

Meet you on the other side.

Kamala Harris' team is getting 'nervous' ahead of her showdown with Donald Trump according to sources close to her campaign.

Insiders, including a campaign strategist, reportedly told BBC US Special Correspondent Katty Kay of their concerns in a series of frantic texts and phone calls.

'I'm picking up quite a lot of nervousness by the way on the state of the race,' Kay said during an episode of The Rest is Politics: US podcast.

'I'm getting a lot of Democrats texting me, I had a long call yesterday with a strategist and I can fill you in a bit more. But I'm getting a lot of nervousness from some Democrats.'

Meanwhile, Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci added that he believes Harris' campaign is stalling. 

All Donald Trump had to do with Joe Biden was keep breathing and not looks nuts and he won as Biden defeated himself. It is Kamala Harris who has it all to lose as she is a loser. Donald Trump as with Biden only has to appear, not looking nuts, but Presidential. If Harris goes active she will look shrill and weak. If Harris tries to be presidential she will look boring as she is.

Donald Trump only has to remind people of realities that Harris owns all this Biden Obama disaster from the economy to foreign invasion as they destroyed the 3rd world. Harris tries the prosecutor thing, Trump states what a sham it was and the Judge was afraid to sentence him until after the election as he knows what a sham it all was.

That is the problem with this Obama coup which Harris is riding. It is all known for what it is on the right and left. Hating Donald Trump is not going to play with the public as we are all facing nuclear war now due to Biden Harris and the evidence of how illegitimate non native born Harris is, is her first choice as president was Tim Walz, a coward and a liar doing the Obama meltdown in Minnesota.

That is the message in this, when you want a country burned down, call Harris and Walz. When you want a nation rebuilt, call Donald Trump.

No one likes Kamala Harris when they see her. They dislike her more than they hate Donald Trump. She projects weakness and LOOSER. Donald Trump just has to appear, act Presidential and he wins as the odds against Kamala Harris putting on a theater for 90 minutes in what she is not, is impossible.

Donald Trump has time on his side, every day to the election, Kamala Harris loses more support as people focus on how shitty their lives are under her and all this war and invasion and they do not want 8 more years of this shit.

Nuff Said

