Saturday, September 14, 2024

For Effect


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before you continue, the Lame Cherry will provide you with a white paper assessment, in what you would receive if you were in a situation room in London, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Peking or DC with legitimate analysis.

The Lame Cherry concludes that Butler PA was designed to re create the same laundry list of alphabet agencies and foreign regime who got dirty for the series of attempts on the life of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and completed in a most thorough framing of these agencies, which were set up again and caught in their macabre magik today in things from Jan6 to Russiagate. The design was to expose the same entities who assassinated JFK, RFK and for the man that Nostradamus and Dick Allgire both saw as dead in Butler, but survived.

It appears that the Board behind this, set all of this up for the purpose of shattering the system in America.

As you review the evidence below, you will discover a basic root reality in Butler, there was FBI and CIA connection in those involved with the NSA (Crooks family by marriage.) in this perfect framing of the police state.

You can watch the above video for more details, as the Lame Cherry hits the highlights of this of the information coordinated to remember.

On J13, a white van was parked at the shooting. It was said to be clunker. It was not a clunker. It had Arizona plates on it. Crooks lives in PA. In this van were said to be two explosive devices.

Police K9 tracked from the scent on the roof to this van. Whoever was on that roof, dead, went to this van. The proof being a scent trail.

This van was hauled away in the dark by police. Many law enforcement were there at this scene and not on the roof.

This van was registered to an ANTIFA operative named YEARICK. I was told he may have pulled knife on Trump before, but he was arrested with others in PA during the Obama burn down of America.

YEARICK has disappeared since this day. His sites have been scrubbed, and his family has a missing person's report on him. It was reported he had just returned from Ukraine.

This van is linked like Yearkick to Yearick Armory of Mesa Arizona. Said to supply explosives to South American guerrillas in Peru and Colombia for the CIA.

This is Maxwell Yearick. On the right is Tom Crooks. The corpse in the middle has upon close examination ear piercings which have been closed up. Yearick had such openings in his ear lobes.

This is the body police SWAT are standing over.

Thomas Crooks location had two phones linked to his home and work place. It has been noted in the DC Chinatown FBI location. (New York Post reported a Chinese shooter was dead on a roof.) It is evident that this phone was in Maryland, Massachusetts on the cape, and perhaps New Jersey.

This is the photo of the dead body. No explanation in how the rifle ended up so far from the body. No sign of the heavy blood trail which appeared immediately in police videos.

Law Enforcement noted that a person of interest was at a picnic table at 4:27 pm by the glass building. At 4:26 Tom Crooks is seen walking a half mile away at the entrance the rally on Vendor Row.

Other Law Enforcement about an hour later took this photo of Crooks on the wall by the glass building, and then he disappears, said to be moving onto the roof about a half hour later.

This Lame Cherry has invested a great deal of analysis of a blue security light which keeps moving around in the background of the corpse photo. If you right click and look at the glass building entrance there appears to be a smudge there. This may be that light.

This is the light which I have circled and it as on the apex of the shooter roof. I have pointed to the Juniper trees as a reference point. In every photo this is light is almost directly behind the corpse and law enforcement.

This is impossible as the light is on the apex of the roof on the ridge line. To be behind the corpse the corpse would have to be on the other side of the ridge. The angles are all wrong.

As this Lame Cherry has concluded, there were more than two shooter, there were two Tom Crook's there, and AI has been manufacturing video which the FBI has been releasing. It is a reality that from canine evidence, it was not Tom Crooks they tracked off that roof by Max Yearick. It would conclude as this blot noted why the FBI hosed off the DNA and cremated the body.

The conclusions are simple in the projection, someone who was very inside, like Victoria Nuland assuring people with a grin that Donald Trump would not be president two days before this Butler event, were known to be plotting Butler, and in reality like the agencies going after JFK and RFK were set up, so that a CIA asset in Max Yearick, who had Ukraine connections and Tom Crooks with FBI and CIA connections were both wearing the same types of clothing that day in a bait and switch, where it appears they were there for a stampede event while others were firing on human targets, unknown to the duo.
Once their people were fingered, the talking points of shrapnel and other nonsense were clung to as the story broke apart and a cover up was engaged in, that the CIA and FBI had associates involved in this.

It was perfect like Dallas 1963. If the Board allows, this will be utilized to fracture this inner cabal for effect.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
