Monday, September 9, 2024

Come home Richard

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the news that Vice President Dick Cheney is once again being Ronald Reagan jr. in going L word in staing he will vote for Kabala Harris and Tim Walz in November, the Lame Cherry is moved to make a direct appeal here to the former Vice President, as I have an idea what is going on with him, but only he knows for certain. The appeal though is to Richard Cheney to remember who he is.

The contact I have had with Richard Cheney and his staff was a rare thing in America and politics in they were good people. The Richard Cheney I ask Dick Cheney to remember is the man who was the professional statesman with President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford. This was a man as sound and grounded as Donald Rumsfeld, another necessary assset to America as much as Milton Friedman in all they did for Americans.

That is the Richard Cheney I address this to in his legacy. His legacy which was Secretary of War when the military functioned. The legacy when the Vice President was a vocation which steered a George W. Bush who like his old man was without rudder or keel most days.

It is a legacy when people in this world thought of Dick Cheney, they knew what he spoke of was solid as a rock. That standing is has literally vanished and as that siccophant Rush Limbaugh proved, if you alienate your audience, when you are gone they are not around, as with President Reagan to keep that flame burning with your name attached.

I want Dick Cheney the Republican to appear again. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford could get along with all the factions, so find a way to get along with Donald Trump, as America is not going where the Neocons want and Donald Trump says he is going where American wants to be, but is probably not going to go there again. Americans need and influencer Mr. Cheney, a real one, of your standing, to get something for us when Donald Trump is handing out goodies to E coin and stripping America of oil and gas reserves again.

As I have stated, I do not know what is going on with Dick Cheney. Barry Goldwater went nuts when he started fucking that young blonde snatch in Arizona, before he keeled over in talking liberalism.

Mr. Vice President, you have a lezbo daughter who has made people leery of you and your wife, and that blonde you have that is now a raving pariah in her Trump Derangement has dragged you into the GOPliters a National Socialist gauliter group of thugs who alienated Americans on ideology by smearing them that their choice, to back a Donald Trump who told them their choices of America first was a Adam Schiff bad idea, and not just a bad idea, but the FBI has been hunting down innocent people that even the Supreme Court states were trespassers at the most, and your daughter and yourself have had nothing to say in defense or compassion OVER YOUR VOTERS.

Yes Mr. Vice President these are YOUR PEOPLE and you are mistreating them and the hurt is as deep as when Ronald Reagan jr. showed up at the DNC and hated on George W. Bush. Was Ron jr. right in hating the Bush family, it looks like he was right, but you sure as hell do not jump into bed with an international pimp like Al Gore or John Kerry, because you do not like the Bush thugs. You do not do that Mr. Vice President when you have an e coin pimp like JD Vance who is offering a better deal than an international socialist like Tim Walz who thinks the Chinese shit does not stink.

In the Name of God, Mr. Vice President, you were part of Haliburton, an American conglomerate which could go in and rebuild nations. You did it in Iraq. How about being that board member, working a deal with those in charge, to rebuild America for White Christian Americans, in getting something for them and getting Donald Trump to get something for them, instead of erase and replace.

It is obvious Mr. Vice President that you are not joined at the hip with Kamala Harris, because you think she is presidential. This is factions and your blonde daughter is espousing a GOPliter faction of a party which is about gone. You Mr. Vice President are involved in the same Whig factionalization which brought the end of that political party and what arose was that Republican Party of Frontier Fremont, which Mr. Lincoln steered to a Grand Olde Party built on democrats and in 1864 became the Union Party of Democrats. It appointed General Grant and it was not until William McKinley that the Republican Party appeared again, before being schmoozed by Herbert Hoover, and would not become it's zenith again until Ronald Reagan wrested the party from the Rockefeller Republicans with the CIA William Buckley for those few short years, before the ideals you kept burning were wiped out by the conglomerate Bush family.

Do you know how much America needs you Mr. Vice President? Do you know how much we need Vice President Dan Quayle now? Time has proven both of you were right. We need your influence on domestic and foreign issues for Americans who are a breed put on the extinction list. We do not want war. We do not want nuclear war. We want our country back. We do not want to be erased and replaced. We do not want to be hunted down, betrayed by our own government and mistreated worse than Indians on the reservation.

For your self interest and your legacy Mr. Cheney, make a difference, beyond what you are engaged in now before you are swept aside as a footnote. Your daughter is finished politically. A policy of being anti Trump ends in four years, then you have nothing like fat Meghan McCain, because a JD Vance brand is in place. It is not all or nothing as Mr. Lincoln was astute enough to conclude. If you would accept the advice, as almost every Republican of your era is dead, talk to Dan Quayle. Put out a message that you are rethinking your vote. Alert Donald Trump's campaign  that you want to make amends, so there are no surprises or no Trump retaliations later, but become the Richard Nixon in both of you offering to assist J D Vance for the promotion of American interests at home and abroad.

You do not have to be a Trumpophile, but by God, just stop being this snarling old man who looks like Joe Biden in reflection in the mirror. Tell you daughter to shut up and if not that, send her off to Europe to France to keep her mouth shut in listening to the French right. Maybe in Donald Trump's grace she might be named Ambassador to France and then it will be you being Richard Nixon in being listened to in a Trump regime, instead of snarling out in the cold, unless you are intent on a vanished legacy as I doubt Kamala Harris is going to be cuddling with you the way Big Mike Obama cuddles with George W. .........which has ended once that photo op was over.

I'm reaching out Mr. Vice President. The Vulcans need you on the inside pissing out and not pissing in. You were exposed to the most gifted political diplomats in Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, emulate them, as your throwing in with the Bush family is a taint now as the Rockefellers in Republicans are going to slam that door shut again, just as they did with Goldwater and Reagan.

I liked you far better when you were shooting your friends with bird shot in Texas, than being daddy dearest for two daughters who you have defended and have brought you national ruin.

Come home Mr. Vice President and do not remain with the flush of McCain, Romney and Bush which already in the sewage pipe of history as Americans in their twilights last gleaming have flushed them to the sewers of history.

Nuff Said
