Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Quincy not the M.E.


I had 9 Siblings you know.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm supposed to be getting something done in physical today, but is a cold wind, my head hurts and I do not feel like anything so it is Maggie videos and a post like this as the news does not seem to be generating in anticipation of the Big Mammy and NeoDon event.

This blog is trying at most times to post as I can not post about Jews or other things like using the word c*cks*cker, or I get flagged, so it become Ashkejew and slurper.

JW wrote and he is Jewish, from a different brand. There are sects in this Jewry like crackers in the South are not the same Irish Mics like Joe Biden who sneer at them. I usually term the banker sects as Pawn Brokers as that is how they started out swindling people. High stake loans or giving people in desperate straights half of what they have in worth is how you make money. It was a smart business as the peasants did not have anything, and only the rich did, so the rich were beholding to you, just like now.

JW will get this part in what I'm referencing, but I will have some posts coming up about the Adams family. I would love to delve into their library. They are appearing in the Carl Sandberg history of Lincoln at war, specifically Charles Adams. Genius seemed to breed in the Adams family for about 200 years and they were plugged into history so they could reference anything as they were there.

We are void of that now, and in reading how the intellectuals of the 1800's were compared to the flat brains now is just night and day. They give pause in what Charles Adams assessed as they were dealing with the worst cut throats in the English court and those proxies like Charles Belmont who was the Rothschild front man in New York.

The "order" though is being re ordered. The front men are having their foundations worn away. The Bunde is on the rise again and if you know where to look, you see traces of this forming again in America and Europe. They are taking out the competition.

I come from other Jews, working class, my old man, gone ten years next month was a plumber, never had eyes for another woman besides my mom now 94, healthy, active and always positive minded. Along with my brother and his wife we share a three unit building been in the family since 1917. The Kenny G Jews looked at our kind like pathetic schlubs, so be it....I'm just grateful that nobody understood me but also never tried to figure me out and just left me alone with my stack of library books.

I will today be listening to some Jazz as will be at Grandpas. That is a gift from JW in sharing his world. I look forward to it as while I procrastinate I do try and get something done too. So I'm thankful for that.

I will mention that most of us have "Jews" among us. My world has Hartmans, Adlers etc..., all Catholics now in converts, and did well in business sort of, but they were sent in by the Pope to take over Protestant farms across North America, after converting to the Vatican religion under the sword.  The mum's family is Prussian. Is why I bitch about Prussia being holocausted and wiped from the earth as Bismark beat them all that the game and this group wiped out Prussia. The old order is arising again and I think after Butler that Mr. Trump worked his deal with them and this time Trump may implement things I will write about which are going to make things a whole lot better financially for all of us. 

So we all co mingle in our past across the Atlantic and ended up here. My people for the most part were imported White Slaves to convert wilderness into railroad profit for the bankers Norman and Jewish, and JW's  people were dumped into America to provide an exterior propaganda of religion and ethnicity for the few with the piles of gold and green.

We of the cloth of the land are all in this together. The Jews who are  like JW have a worst time of it as the pecking order in that tribe is extreme. He is supposed to be window dressing among the mob, being American. They are supposed to cough up money but keep their mouths shut when the bankers and Tel Aviv lords give the orders. Russian and Slavic Jews get to beat on other Jews and form mafias for that cut of the pie and if you are a darkie out of Africa, you just get to put in the widow's mite to get to be called a Jew.

As it is coming up on TL's and my first anniversary, I have been recalling our German Lutheran pastor in the cult like feeling I got from the Missouri Synod which I was raised in. It was offputting and I will not be herded. The most part is I hate sitting in Church with smarmy idiots who I can feel and I do not like a preacher talking at me, when I have a tank full of the Holy Ghost equal or more than him. So in my busy, I'm not bowing to a religion, but cling to God daily in every moment of worship with Him.

I should close this out as have to get going. I found a way to glue rubber cleats onto a solid skid steer tires as they are like 600 bucks a piece and JYG has need of something as his treads are all wore off, and I at least looked something up to share with him as an option to help him out.
He sold me two cart tires yesterday at a dollar a piece. He is good to us.

God bless us everyone and it looks like we might by the Board have a bit of a respite coming as 2025 winds down. More on that in the coming days to cheer you children and brats up.

Just keep saying you love Martin Bormann as it is his people now with their hand directly rocking the cradle.

Nuff Said
