Saturday, September 7, 2024

For the Kamala


Kamala done real good moppin' the floors, baking bread, totin' wood,
reportin' back to the Obama's about me for the coup,
and I think President Trump should keep her employed here
as good help is hard to find in this invasion.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the new Affirmative Action Presidential Debate Rules by ABC CIA Mockingbird, some interesting clauses have been added for Kamala Harris.

ABC Announces Official Debate Rules, But Gives The
Kamal 'Assurances' That They Can Be Bent - Report

Clause 42 begins with, "Kamala will be provided a Lazy Gender recliner, personal air conditioning unit, bottle water cooled to 68 degrees, and a Peanuts blankie with Woodstock on it.

There are other clauses which seem like this debate might take a few days to complete as Kalama in Clause 52 is assured break times, time outs, and nap periods. 52 C states that she may ring a bell to stop the debate, and tag out with other members of her team when she so chooses.

I do not know how many clauses there are for Kamala in Affirmative Action Debate, but they go up to at least 157 which states she can enlist an AI to answer for her and to change Donald Trump's answers to "sound like Joe Biden".

I don't really get the part about "free children" to be provided to ABC anchors from Kiev Ukraine for "loving acts" as that part is in Hindu and it might have read something more about the act of freeing children is a form of affection, as certainly Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would not be running a child sex ring out of Ukraine, the way Tel Aviv captured young girls for prostitution for years.

So the Kamala Harris Affirmative Action Debate with Donald Trump, with special clauses due to her being not a natural born American, a darkie and that woman thing, might help Harris in the polling where she is tanking further. The AI can take away her shrill annoying Michelle Obama voice and make her Barack Obama Nigger talk cadence more appealing as Obama is too churchy.

America must be compassionate in finding employment for old Negress who were brought to the big house for sex, and have gone past their pretty. Kamala Harris should have some handicaps in a debate with a White man as she has a future to think of, as Big Mike Obama and Oprah already have the Negro jobs of power, and Kamala has to make a show that maybe Bud Lite would need her to clean out the beer tanks or Disney might need her to suckle some sexual deviant lezbos with Elton John children.

We need in this super depression, in all the jobs going to foreigners, to find a slot for Kamala Harris and not just cast her off down river, because she is old. stupid, fat, annoying and Kamala.

RFK Jr. Rips Harris - ‘We Need A President Who Can
Put Together An English Sentence’
