Saturday, September 7, 2024

It was the best of was the worst of rifles



J 13


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As of the end of August, the FBI, Pittsburgh Division released it's first media call, and in that call the FBI went nuclear option on the US Congress and Pennsylvania Law Enforcement. This examination focuses on the "Tom Crooks rifle", but there was a a not so clever slap at Pennsylvania SWAT in terming that as "witnesses", instead of law enforcement in reporting  that Tom Crooks was by the glass works building at 4:30 and then the FBI added that Crooks was seen on vendor row at the same time, meaning "believe the video" as the Pennsylvania elite police have shit for brains.

What we have before us is a clear line now and this centers on Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana who received extensive briefings from Pennsylvania law enforcement over the Trump attempted assassination, the murder of others and the wounding of other Americans. Mr. Higgins praised rightly the absolute cooperation of the people of Pennsylvania in affording him all the time he wanted to investigate and providing inside information which appeared in his confidential letter to the committee Chairman.

It is this letter that Rep. Higgins explains that the SWAT law enforcement, quite observant, quite professional, noted one of their officers put the first shot on Tom Crooks, disabling his rifle. Higgins was 99% certain that rifle was disabled and could no longer fire, and had been wounded in his upper body.

Below is the exact SCRIBE quote. Rep. Higgins is former law enforcement and knows this standard of observation and noting things in detail. The Crooks rifle was damaged as was Crooks.

The SWAT in the top photo would have provided Rep. Higgins an "in pocket" report of what was on that roof, from "Crooks" to the rifle. There is no doubt about this report.

Meet you on the other side.

Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up. The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directlyinto the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds. On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took avery hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks’ AR. I won’t be certain of this until I can examine Crooks’ rifle, but I’m 99% sure, based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks’ rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’t fire after his 8th shot.• Crooks “went down” from his firing position when shot 9 was fired, and the SWAT officer was certain of his hit

Thus enters the FBI official report to the media. Crooks rifle not only was test fired, but that it was also fully operational.

Now we have a report from 3 SWAT officers who are standing on this rifle in knowing what a rifle like this would look like, and need to perform, and the FBI makes no mentions of a heavily damages firearm, but makes a point that this rifle is ready for combat to blow a chunk out of someone else's ear.

The rifle on the Crooks roof was stated as damaged. The FBI takes custody of this rifle in dismissing all EMT from the site, leaving the site with Crooks body so even the Coroner could not enter until 6 o'clock the next morning, and somewhere in this in hosed off roofs, and a cremated body, a damaged rifle becomes a fully operational rifle.

Rifle Analysis 

Additionally, regarding the subject’s rifle, the FBI Laboratory Division successfully test fired the weapon, concluding it was—and remains—fully operational. 

They also positively matched all eight shell casings located on the roof with the subject’s rifle. 

Special Agent FBI Kevin Rojek

The Lame Cherry will explain what the FBI tested in this rifle of "Crooks". The FBI has not mentioned one bullet recovered, only things like shrapnel, meaning the bullets broke up and could not be identified by barrel rifling.

The only thing they FBI could do is fire cartridges in this rifle, and then compare the firing pin indentations with these 8 casings on the roof. That is not barrel rifling, but it is all there is.

There is a huge problem in this as the FBI immediately stomped on Rep. Higgins in his report and knew fully what that letter contained, and in this, the FBI media call makes no mention of this damaged rifle, but instead intimates that Higgins is wrong, that the PA SWAT are morons in their conclusions, as this rifle is functional. That was deliberate to smear and slap down Rep. Higgins and send a message to all Pennsylvania law enforcement to shut up. That is intimidation and a very clever dispensation of propaganda leaving out a number of key details and producing a narrative which belittles Pennsylvania law enforcement.

This is not the first time that Rep. Higgins has had a run in with the FBI. The first was over Jan6 in which Higgins attempted to get an answer from Christopher Wray about FBI Ghost Buses hauling into the Capitol rioters to induce violence.



Rep. Higgin : Are these your people in these buses Mr. Director?

The conclusions in this was that the FBI media call was deliberately sloppy. It was designed to impugn Rep. Higgins and to intimidate Pennsylvania Law Enforcement to shut up.

In a first briefing it is extremely important to be exact, especially on a rifle that is said to have shot at Mr. Trump and murdered and wounded others. There were holes left in this briefing and in a J. Edgar Hoover world this Special Agent would be removed from that position as that was unacceptable, in this media call was a uninformed as the Secret Service Director not having any information to Director Wray repeating the talking put that Mr. Trump was hit by shrapnel before Congress.

It is unacceptable to intimidate and humiliate members of Congress and Pennsylvania Law Enforcement, but this is a pattern which has come out of this Obama weaponized department of justice.

The FBI in this no longer is an investigative bureau, but something that engages in cover ups and intimidation of Americans in front of and behind the badge.

Nuff Said
