Friday, September 6, 2024

War Between Russia and the United States


Don't let Vladimir turn his head for a billboard like Donald did.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is your turn to be the Lame Cherry and explain what it means. I have helped the bus kids in highlighting what matters.

The US is close to reaching an agreement on giving Ukraine cruise missiles that could hit targets deep inside Russia, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing US officials.

The officials said the US is expected to include Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package that will be announced for Ukraine this fall. But first, there are technical issues to work through to ensure they can be fired by Ukraine’s Soviet-made fighter jets.

An older version of the JASSM can hit targets over 230 miles, and there are newer versions that can fly over 500 miles. Reuters said it was unable to establish which kind the US is considering sending to Ukraine. Providing the older, shorter-range version would put less strain on US military stockpiles.

OK smart non donors, tell us what the above means, without using the above title of this article as your cheat sheet.

As you have had enough time in non donating, I won't slow this down and just explain to everyone what threshold we have met.

What is significant in this is the Soviet MIGs. The reason is the United States got Europe to dump their old F 16's on Kiev in a way to recoup the losses for the nuclear suicide F 35's which are flowing in around the world for nuclear war. Yes there will be nuclear war, because that is what the F 35 is designed for is the 24 hour window of close nuclear strikes deep inside Russia, from US bases in Europe.

The F 16 is online, to hit Russia, but from what Sec of Defense Lavarov has said about Red Lines, mocking the District of Criminals as dupes to Zellinskyy of Kiev, we have reached the real line where Russia said the coming NATO war in Europe is not going to be contained in Europe. As you will need the Russian translation in this, Lavarov told Blinken and the CIA, that if American F 16's are used in striking Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia will hit Washington DC and other America sites with their hypersonic missiles. It is simple. The Capital of Russia gets hit. The Capital of the United States gets hit in retaliation.

For this nuance to be coming from Lord Austin of the Pentagon in this Jew War for profit as this is the Ashkejew Kaganites led by Anthony Blinken with their pet Jew Nazi Zellinskyy to make Ukraine a profit structure by using up Russian oil for Russia's war machine, it means that the Kremlin has stated plainly they will hit the United States if Russia is hit. That is what is being naunaced now in using Soviet era MIG's to carry these 250 mile JDAMS to bomb Moscow, in the thought that this is not American F 16's doing the terror work.

The District of Criminals is full of crooked belligerents who are bullying Russia. At issue is the Star Wars fleet orbiting above the planet which Russia will be inflicted by, if this goes nuclear. Russia though is not going to accept Moscow in air raid shelters and piles of rubble from American JDAMS on F 16's. At this point to the normal person, American bombs are Americans bombs. It will not make a difference to Russia.............except the smoking F 16 will not be involved, which is probably where the rub in this is, if the F 16 is used, Russia will use tactical nuclear hypersonics. If this is Soviet MIG's Russia is going to retaliate with perhaps a strike on DC and other areas, or it may be an issue of Russia introducing Capital Warfare across Europe to give the populations some understanding of what bombing Russia is about, and that the next threat level will be tactical nukes.

At the moment this hinges on the Obama Shift to attack China, which Donald Trump, if installed or Mr. Vance as President will move to a war footing as an accord by Mr. Trump or Mr. Vance is reached with Russia in a partitioned Ukraine. Donald Trump is the reason at the moment this is being held back. I do not know with what is going on if Moscow will wait until the elections or they will see a benefit of hitting the propaganda Jew York City area, make Lindsey Graham run for his life and lose his gay earrings in the process, with a striking of the American police state, which is cracking down on Russian platforms...........which if neutralized would unleash the Jan6 group, and other Obama ANTIFA forces for a malady which will require a crackdown tying up the US military as the police state will have been taken out of the intimidation picture.

Moscow has all of these scenarios and is aware of US retaliations and what Moscow would respond with. Russia wants to hold the line for a Trump Peace, but Russia is going to be pissed on to goad them to respond. At the present, in the clever verbiage of Mr. Putin, the Lame Cherry believes that Russia has a non symmetrical response which would be crippling, meaning they would not bomb except in token strikes western Capitals, but might cut all the communication systems which would cause an immense financial problem which would occupy these woke globalists.

The prep in this from American DOJ is in process in seizing online platforms like Telegram and charging Russian reporters, so the Russian message will not get out as ass raping Russell Bentley was only on anus to silence, as the DOJ and the Kaganites are unnerved by the fringe media in the West as they shut down the COVID scare as it might take Americans a few weeks to figure things out, but they will get them figured out in the fringe information out there and the fringe has been supporting peace with Russia, Gaza, North Korean and Iran for years.

Just letting you know that the Pentagon blinked, because we are that close to a direct war with Russia by what Kiev is unleashing. As Russia has non lethal means to respond, I suspect they will choose that route, as a great deal of damage can be done with Soviet MIG's, using American weapons and American satellite control, before those platforms are shot down.

We have reached the kill zone and Lindsey Graham has been the cheerleader on this for years in direct war with Russia as Bidencon signed off on all of this. We will know come the November ballot dump as all restraints on Russia will be removed if Kabala Harris is installed as Russia knows what will come in the Obama shift and a terror state aimed at Moscow from Kiev.

Nuff Said

