Friday, September 6, 2024

In the Twilight's Lost Gleaming


UPDATED: NOT STATE GUARD, FEDERAL TROOPS ! ! ! ! Reports: New York Deploying National Guard for Trump Sentencing on Sept 18 - CLAIM Trump to be IMPRISONED that day - Fear Riots to ensue

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are going to be punched so much that what we went through under Obama is going to seem like the good olde days. This is not gong to stop no matter what dictator is installed. We are deluged with the doom and danger, but there has to be in each of us something that holds us together in our belief of America, one nation under God.

God has placed in my hands another prelude to what is coming and in this it is Carl Sandberg's history of Lincoln at War, only two of the four volumes, but I doubt things would last long enough for me to read all 4, as there are volumes of information which I will share to provide a historical reality which none of you have ever heard, including Ken Burns.

Things are going to change and are changing. I have informed you that we might have two president's dueling for the office for awhile. As you can read below in the link the people behind this are intent at breaking America apart again, as they did in the Lincoln era in that hyped up deranged fiasco.

I desire each of you to remember in Christ that not everyone in 1861 wanted America in a war, in conflict, in two nations.

There was Dr. Robert Jefferson Breckenridge of Kentucky, author, lawyer, theologian. Three sons, two in the Confederate army, one in the Union army.

Secession is utter madness. the pretexts some futile, some false, some atrocious. None of them becoming a statesman, a philosopher, a patriot or a Christian. Not one of them will endure the light of history, the judgment of mankind or the scrutiny of posterity.
Do you want the African slave trade reopened. Do you want free trade and direct taxation?  DO you want some millions more of African cannibals thrown amongst you broadcast throughout the whole slave states? The aim of secession is to make many nations out of one. It has no legal leg to stand on.
No states in the Union ever had any sovereignty at all independent of and except as they were United States".

For all the shit we have been put through, if we let go of America, what the hell do you think is going to come pouring into her a thousand fold worse in low DNA vermin and troops or nuclear missiles.

If you let go in this Goddamn Senator Tom Daschle allowing the shitting on the American Flag, they are going to open that Constitution up and make our mass extinction legal. They will send us back to where we came from in the European gulag and if not there they will bury us.

I know what is coming and this mob of experts broadcasting our doom have a mob that shrugs as nothing which can be done.

What my statement in all of this is, as you clutch your money and whatever you got trust in, is that if I'm the only one who drags this dead Republic over to the other side to when Jesus comes, by God I'm going to be one American who does it for my country. I won't save this shit hole they created, but by God I will drag this corpse, this Flag, this Constitution, this Indivisible Nation to the other side, and by God that is where America will be.

It will be easier if you drag your part with me, but I'm not relying on you. One thread of that Flag, One vow of Life and one hand of Soil, and with that I will found this country again, in everyone else dragging it down.


