Friday, September 6, 2024

The Village Seine

Not his kind of fish net

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to recommend something which is illegal now, so you are not going to be engaged in this, but without a country, then it will be 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, kosher  to engage in these form non illegal methods of gathering food.

I have already mentioned that each of you should have live traps of the squirrel and rabbit size, and a raccoon size live trap, as that is food. It is better than a gun, never wears out, and it hunts 24 hours a day.

This popular girl turned poor orphan now has some advice in you should have on hand, nets for fishing, seines and the illegal one in gill nets, which are a net with about fist sized holes that fish try to swim through and are then captured. These are real food harvesters, unlike starving all day trying to catch a fish with a hook.

Now granted the Southerners have trot lines which are multiple hooks on a set line, where they place them and then go off and do other ventures, but for food gathering without a government, a gill net is what you should have on hand.

They are hard to find, but they do pop up in survival posts on Ebay. The advanced ones have a floating rope on top and a weighted rope on the bottom to deploy them with sticks or posts on each end as you put them across non flooding streams or small bays in lakes that fish swim through.

Yes there are cast nets, you can have them too, but this is the food provider in it is set and you go onto other things where you are not exposed to death or gathering other food.

If you can find the right netting cord to have on hand, that is a very good idea too in you can then build more gill nets or fix the one you have. Simple process in the cord is attached to the top floating line, then every two inches down you alter tying a knot in two line  to make the net.

Mono or plastic nets will break and cord nets will rot, so understand that this is a process which is going to require maintenance for your daily fish.

You do not want to over fish or take too many. You will have to have salt for the surplus and smoke them to preserve them and keep the maggots off. Those who do not conserve resources or want to eat beans from a can, will degrade as you will need fresh protein regular or you will get sick and in that world sickness deficienies are death.

Once again, the million dollar knowledge from the popular girl

Nuff Said

