Saturday, September 7, 2024

the reverse toilet flush of gwen walz


When Hillary Clinton is the sane one in the room

Walz’ Bolshevik Bride Let The Mask Slip...And It’s Scary

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry informed everyone what Tampon Tim Walz was in midwest invasion, the worthless cur who hated his plains beginnings and lusted to become metro to validate who he was in Minnesota, the mirror image of his goofy wife Gwen is true as Gwen Walz was a Minnesotan who Minnesota would not hire. See Minnesota is a state which has a problem in too many Niggers for the jobs, so the culls end up tormenting the people of the Dakotas and Nebraska, as in those states, there are lots of "Tampon Tims" who lust for the big city as those cow chip states have no appeal with their hicks and rubes............only until a pandemic, and then voila they run back to the plains states with their fucking nigger and beaner babies after divorce and saddle the peoples out their with that crossbred shit.

Gwen Walz though dumped in Nebraska and she found a YES MAN who she could dominate and entice to travel one day back to Minnesota  as Walz is malleable, a coward and self serving. In reality, the Walz's of Minneosta are the reflection of the Clinton's of Arkansas. The only difference is that Hillary Clinton is shrewd. Gwen Walz is just flyover state goofy. 

Who Is Gwen Walz? Tim Walz's Wife's Policy Work Explained - Forbes

Aug 6, 2024 ... Gwen Walz is a Minnesota native who met her future husband when she was teaching English in Nebraska, and in addition to her extensive teaching experience,

Goofer Gwen is not Hilllary Clinton in being adept at turning an issue. The Gwenster went out hunting for Trump and Vance over the issue of test tube babies claiming that the Walz couple could not get preggo without fertility treatments. Gwen Walz twisted what JD Vance was harping on in using Walz own interview to prove what a liar she is, in she was nattering on about using a different fertilty treatment she used, but now this has been transformed into invitro. It is all boring, but it shows what limited ability Gwen Walz has and why she hooked up with Tampon Tim as reality does not matter, only how they feel.

“Now, I read that JD Vance said he was really disturbed by teachers who don’t have biological children. Well, for a long time, Tim and I were teachers who struggled with infertility, and we were only able to start a family because of fertility treatments,”

JD Vance was focused on Gwen Walz being a chronic liar, not about teachers not having children.

Perhaps nature was telling the Walz that they were naturally selected to not reproduce in they have a lust to abort society. Apparently Gwen Walz has a fetish for snorting burning rubber tires as she left her windows open in the Walz Minnesota Riots where they almost developed black lung huffing in the tires burned for George Floyd.

Gwen Walz thought that a city burning down, people losing their businesses to Obama riots and people being harmed was a historic pivotal event she wanted to smell. One of her fertility daughters was even passing information onto rioters when her father the Governor, was forcing the National Guard to stand down, making the rioting a free violence zone.

The reality of Gwen Walz is she was insecure and wanted to lord over little children to validate herself as a teacher. She was attractive, but used her vagina as a weapon to find a drunken, low self esteem Nebraska turd to wed, so she could dominate him and form him into something as she dragged the duo back to a shit hole in Minnesota, now having "experience" where Walz chose the easiest path to ascending in joining the Weekend Warriors, until war broke out, and then he fled with his wife to hide in the Minnesota gulag.

Gwen Walz is the cheap version of Hillary Clinton. Gwen Walz choice was not a virile raping Bill Clinton with purple rage on coke, but a drunk from turd town, who is a coward and an opportunist. There was no Oxford for Tim Walz as for Bill Clinton. There was just a worthless degree that appealed to a Minnesota toilet flush like Gwen Walz, as that is all this woman could handle in her "teacher mode" of slapping people around with Goddamn lies.

I know the Walz's as they are the people that locals say, THANK GOD THEY LEFT! They are pretentious, Pecksniffian and poltroons. They are what people in Kansas say about people from Missouri and Arkansas. They are what people in Nevada say about people from California and Utah. They are what people from Vermont say about people from New York and Connecticut. They are what the people of Nebraska and the Dakotas say about every Goddamn Minnesotan when they are gone, THANK GOD THEY ARE GONE.

That is why they ooze back into some White shit hole in Minnesota as they want the pretentiousness, without the Somali Niggers. They want their river rise homes to look down on others as they sneer at their neighbors.

My sister taught school in Minnesota. She is the same Goddamn fucking half wit as Gwen Walz in being able to discern things in other people, when the fact is that Gwen Walz does not see a problem with criminals, because criminals are raping, murdering and stealing, because criminals deserve this balancing action, instead of being punished so they stop destroying society.

I remember when Mike Dukakis who was big on this coddling rapists stuff in running against George HW Bush, was asked by a black anchor, "Mike if a Willie Horton rapes your wife Kitty, are you going to be ok with that?" Dukakis stone faced and the same Tim Walz retard political brain gave his robot answer, but everyone knew he was lying.

If Gwen Walz was so interested in burning tires, why didn't she get out from behind her Minnesota State Police armed lines and go walk around in her riot zone among her people? The reason was she was scared shitless and knew she would be beat over the head with a  brick and raped. That is what it is with these reactionaries. They got this Charlie Manson idea of Helter Skelter which is good for race wars, until the war affects them.

There is no substance in Gwen Walz. She is an empty fat white thigh slit skirt like she is showing something that people want to have sex with yet. She is no Hillary Clinton. She could not handle a Bill Clinton, so got her Tampon Tim, and that is what this whiteweight is, the pasty version of the Kabala Harris lightweight using societal predators to steal power.

That is why Mrs. Tampon hangs out with these teacher union twats, as those teachers are too lazy to read what JD Vance actually said and to vagina mind to realize they were conned by their ugly own.

Nuff Said

