Saturday, September 28, 2024

knock some fucking fear into these war whores

I can let you have a former air base in England, completely prion and Covid free,
the Russians irradiated it, and in 3 years your kids can eat apples you grow
there without glowing like an x ray.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Readers should remember and others can look at the order of battle which the Lame Cherry stated would be the strategy for the coming Kamala War in Ukraine against Russia. What the Lame Cherry laid out was to be a massive drone and worthless missile salvos in order to overwhelm and use up Russian defenses, followed by strategic American and British missiles, on America F 16's, striking a crippling blow to Russia. All of this in the October time line.

When one reads the Russian Federations revisions to the use of nuclear weapons, due to an attack upon Russia, this is exactly what Mr. Putin has outlined in this type of massive crippling strike upon Russian infrastructure, military and command and control, including nuclear forces.

There has been a Black Swan wet dream whispered about for almost a year which would "wipe out Russia" as the dream of the Russophobes, and for Russia to revise their nuclear response, proves the Lame Cherry was correct in the evaluation and that is exactly what NATO has been engaged in. It is why Russia in their FSB and military has been warning CIA's Bill Burns and the Pentagon's Lord Austin that the United States will be hit with nuclear weapons, if this NATO Kiev barrage is unleashed.

America blinked in Joe Biden refused to allow the use of long range missiles by Kiev and for sometime thee American F 16's have disappeared from the conversation.

Meet you on the other side.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday outlined changes that will be made to Russia’s nuclear doctrine as the US and NATO consider supporting long-range Ukrainian strikes inside Russia.

Putin said in a meeting with the Russian Security Council that under the new doctrine, an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state that’s supported by a nuclear-armed power would be treated as a joint attack, a clear reference to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory that use NATO weapons and intelligence.

Based on Putin’s comments, it’s unclear if that means such an attack would trigger a nuclear response. But the new doctrine will allow the use of nuclear weapons in response to a conventional attack that poses a “critical threat to Russian sovereignty.”

According to TASS, the doctrine will also allow the use of nuclear weapons in response to “aggression” against Russia and Belarus, and if Russia becomes aware of plans to launch massive airstrikes against its territory.

Putin meeting with his Security Council on September 25, 2024 (photo released by the Kremlin)

“Reliable information about a massive takeoff of strategic or tactical planes towards Russia, or the launch of cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic weapons towards its territory may be interpreted as a sufficient reason for a nuclear response by Moscow,” TASS reported.

Tactical planes are American F 35 nuclear suicide bombers, which Russia can not afford to discover if they have nuclear warheads on board or not after they close. Strategic would be American long range bombers in B 52, B 1 and B 2. While they would be conventionally armed with JDAMS, those long range precision glide bombs would cripple Russia with massive damage. Do not miss the Putin statement in listing HYPERSONC WEAPONS in the NATO and American arsenal. We have been lied to about this in this bluff against Moscow that America does not have hypersonics, and yet this blog has published pictures of inventory weapons being deployed which are DARPA hypersonic. Russia is not fooled. They know this bait and switch and have informed NATO when hypersonics appear, nuclear weapons will retaliate.

Now to the point in this. From what Mr. Putin and the Government have laid out in cause and effect, the nuclear targets will be Ukraine; Poland and Romania where America F 16's are based, England and France as the source of the Storm Shadow missiles, and the United States proper as that is where the long range bombers are flown from and these munitions, with the satellites providing command and British troops providing the control inside Ukraine.

This is why Germany has been backing away from this insanity in not arming Ukraine, not agreeing with this policy and rethinking it does not want American nuclear missiles on their soil. Germans do not want to be a nuclear target and Ramstein Air Base is one big nuclear target which Russia will hit, if Americans fly sorties from this airfield.

For the sake of the global population, the odds are with Lord Austin not wanting the US military at war with Iran or Russia, and Joe Biden knowing the reality of nuclear strikes in America, and not wanting to escalate, it would not be a world ending thing if the Nazi of Ukraine and these MI6 and Mosaad Kaganites launched some massive attack on Russia, and Mr. Putin responded with some choice glow green craters in England, France, Poland, Romania and the United States, to, fais trembler un peu ces putes de guerre.

People shitting blood, people having bleeding gums, would kind of interrupt their selfies, and most likely start a Caucasian revolution in these captive nations, and sort things out, where 6 billion people would not end up in Bill Gates meat locker for his bbq primate parties.

It would be better to have die a limited number in this retaliation than to get this into the super weapons which will happen when Russia is crippled and defeated. To put it bluntly, there are millions of square miles of land in America and Europe. To save the world, would it be such a loss to have several hundred thousand acres radioactive for a few years in places like Minot North Dakota and Whitman in Missouri. This is the Clinton Doctrine if you need reminding in Bill Clinton made it policy that it was acceptable to have a few hundred Americans murdered by terrorists each year as acceptable numbers due to terrorism, instead of fighting a costly and bloody war. Who really cares if a few hundred miles of Poland, England, Romania or France goes glow green, so we can all go back to taking selfies of our wonderful gulag lives which we star in.

Could we not all support Dictator Joe Biden in his decree after Russia is mass attacked and Russia responds with this:

I was in the plane when we nuked Hiroshima. I saw the benefit of two suns at the same time. Now Russia due to things we never sanctioned in Kiev, has retaliated with nuclear weapons in England, Poland, Romania and France. Most of us do not know where Poland or Romania is, so the radioactivity is blowing into Russia and not here, and England and France will benefit as nuclear weapons will induce natural fertilizer for plant growth, liberating them from Russian fertilizers.

As for America, we have not been attacked by nuclear weapons, only conventional weapons. We are a big country and less than .0001 percent of America was hit, and we can rebuild that for the economic growth. So remember my legacy in I did not blow up the world in a nuclear war and I can not get a peace prize like Obama, but I actually earned one.

Joe Biden has shown that he does not want to die for Kiev, England, France, Poland and Romania. I agree with that, so that is kind of carte blanche for Russia to tidy things up and Joe Biden to get a Nobel Peace Prize for Hunter to auction off for cocaine.

Nuff Said
