Saturday, September 28, 2024

Steven Parker is a Dead American


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The wife of Steven Parker with her maiden name is bitching her husband is dead and blaming Uraine and Russia. Well Steve was vaxed, agreed with hating Whites, was on  board with genocide of Christian Slavs and Russians, so maybe his dying as Kaganite fodder for MI6 is a place where the blame begins at home with women who keep their maiden names, who should be putting on the she bitch and like all good wives, informing their shit for brain husbands that they do not get to make decisions and the wie is going to do that.

That is the problem in this. Women got the vote and America went to socialist hell. They got the reins and then let go except for the stealing the money part. Women got Americai into this Goddman invasion, with Goddamn Obama fuck fantasies, with Goddamn over spending of other people's money.

Until women get off their fat asses and start acting like women in protecting life in and out of the womb, and shutting this all down as there is a price to pay, their males are going to be dead, and their pussies will be rape by real men from the invasion and war who don't give a fuck what women think or do, as they have one purpose in fucking and then fetching food.

Women did this war in Ukraine. That is Victoria Nuland and her pussy male corp lie Gay Graham and Hero McCain. Until women get off those fat asses and re institute life they will be the ones aborted rom life in the coming invasion violence and wars.

So skirts can quit bitching at what they created and start fixing it with peace and repsonsible liberty.

A woman's first job is to tell a man NO, not to let him go off and do stupid things, so she can sit at home and be the man of the house.

Nuff Said

