Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lance the Nuclear Boil

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Kiev Nazi's continue to labor to inflict a Poor Jew's Nuclear War on Russia by rupturing a Russian nuclear power plant, the projections in this are that the sooner this happens the better for the sake of the people of the world.

Rosatom Warns Of Impending Disaster - Chernobyl Will
Seem Like Child’s Play, If The Ukes Hit An RBMK Reactor

The reasoning is if Kiev, using British French Storm Shadow Missiles, strikes Russian nuclear power plants and creates a death zone plume. Russia then would have full legal retaliation to hit several nuclear power stations in England, France and the United States.

For those who would consider this reactor tit for tat extreme, the reality is that America, France and England are in the process of initiating Kiev Soviet era MIG's armed with these long range missiles for strikes into Moscow.
Someone named Vladimir Putin is in Moscow. What do you think the Russian response is going to be if their leader is assassinated? What was your horror of Butler Pennsylvania in Chinese involvement?

The Kremlin would retaliate with justification in using tactical nuclear weapons in decapitating the assassination capitals of Kiev, London, Paris and DC. We would have a full nuclear exchange where millions would perish and wide swaths of this world would be radioactive for years to come.

Would it not be better if Moscow, in retaliation, simply blew up English, French and American nuclear power plants, causing the same devastation as Russia experienced? Would not the slow to manifest Western public opinion finally be arouse to the point of stating that we do not desire any more of this nutty nuclear shit, and usher in a John Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan who would bring a nuclear peace to world with Russia?

This Kiev holocaust Frankenkiev is better stopped now, than if a deliberate or stray missile cuts off the Russian leadership. The way to stop it is to cause a massive Chernobyl which will pollute the Scandinavians, Chinese and parts of North America with radioactive fall out, so peoples will agree when it happens that Russia was justified in retaliation on England and France.

Nuff Said

