Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Amish Never Started A World War

Sorry I don't do war. My sister drinks Mountain Dew 
and I jar pickles.

Russian ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, HAS NOW ALSO STATED PUBLICLY: "If Western weapons are used deep inside Russia, the consequences will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You are going to be bombarded with allot stories about the coming civil war and other things........

As I typed this today, there as a FOX alert about some school shooting in Georgia. Here is a Lame Cherry news flash, I don't give a shit about some local event transformed into a national story as what goes on in Georgia does not mean a thing to me. When it snows in the Brier and I need my snow shoveled there is not one Georgian who gives a damn about my snow. It is because it is not a national story. SO maybe you should get a clue and differentiate between a national story or a local story, and the dinosaur media trying to hype you up emotionally to overload your sense to scramble your brains some more.

The Civil War. You know how many Amish fought in the Civil War? Zero. Abraham Lincoln's war and it did not make jack or shit to the Amish. That was a national and international story and the Amish just milked their cows, drove their teams of horses and probably made more little Amish in sex acts during the entire war.

The Amish never killed anyone and no Amish got killed.

Are you getting the point in this that Amish, Mennonites and Hutterites, all Germans of Protestant Faith, never started as world war and never fought in any wars. They never pissed around in Vietnam protests and never got arrested on January 6th.

Must be some secret in being a German American Protestant and your getting your genitals all sucked up inside you, because of something those in power are trying to stampede you with.

Here is the thing. Jeff Rense had on David John Oates in Reverse Speech and Oates reverse Poppy Bush and Sonny Bush. Both quoted in reverse THE BOSS. Now Rense was talking about Rothschild Inc, but pawn shop brokers are not the top of the heap. They might think they are the top of the heap, but I doubt Poppy and Sonny were bending at the butt for some Jew converts. The Bush fam was bag men for Brown Harriman banking. Old Prescott Bush fixed Richard Nixon's hat as Vice President. They got some pull, but I doubt George Bush got rewarded to cuddle with Big Mike Obama in man tran man sex, because Jews were rewarding Bush43 for stopping asking what Jesus would do.

I will save time in I would be the Boss is someone who by natural selection rose to the leadership in the Adolf Hitler exiles that Martin Bormann sowed into the world as the 4th Reich.

Personally, I would that the Boss Bormann people had more affection for the German Americans as they are the same semite peoples. Probably should not complain as you never saw the Boss nuking the Amish, Mennonites or Hutterites. That is affection by most definitions.

Now whether the Boss loves you or not, here is the thing about civil war. I doubt like hell you can get into a civil war if you don't want to be in one. In Abe's war, except for like Antietam and Gettysburg, none of the North had any war. Kansas got bloody, but no one cares about Kansas or knows what a Jayhawker is.

So the same thing was kosher in the South, most of it never got burned up by the North. Sure General Sherman had to ban the Jews from carpetbagging which is like gaslighting in  it means something bad, so people should not do it.

Let's play in New York as an example. New York City is liberal gutter trash and metro dictator trash.  Now Jew York City might get nuked, but no one is going to nuke the Finger Lakes region where good Americans live. No one is upstate New York is going to riot, going to go Civil War, is going to go on rape and robbery spree. Hell no Venezuelan gangs or Muslim terror cells are going to be roaming around there as I suspect even disarmed New Yorkers have pitch forks and hoes to defend themselves until a gun shows up, as guns always show up in civil wars.

You should be coming to the point now that instead of being propaganda herded into a civil war where if you have any sense you do no want to be.

So that is the first rule in this civil war, civil unrest and whatever else is involved in this that you are supposed to be upset by, you only take part in this, if you take part in this. There are enough people starting world wars, and civil wars and Jan6, but you and the Amish aren't starting nothing.

So this is the world we are being shoved into. a world of provocation in people who just want to be left in peace.

You can write you own life story. It is not in some pod cast about civil war or warnings about a meltdown. It is in your hands and God's Hands. Most of it has been written and what you do is just live out the right moral choices.

This is not something which is ordinary. It is Jesus passing through the crowds that wanted to stone Him to death. It is a matter of Faith. It is a matter of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego informing the Emperor that they would not bow to the idol even with penalties of death. No one has to bow to the idol of the death of a civil war.

There shall be wars and rumors of wars. As long as you are not being bombed, it does not matter. Cities burn down...........big whoop as long as it is not your hole in the wall. You're not the fricking world Sally Anne so figure it out, that some star falling into a black hole a billion light years away does not affect you, no more than some kitten getting ate by a horned owl in Saskatchewan. Both tragic events, one more heart sorrow than the other, but they make no difference to your person. Having food and underwear, be therewith content.

So while it is a blow to most of your egos, the fact is you are not the center of the universe. The FBI is not got you on the top ten list of most wanted. The military might draft you but they sure can't find you if you don't want to be found for war. You are no different really than a gopher. Lots of gophers lived out their entire lives in world wars, in plagues in revolutions, and never got upset by it all, even if an army marched over their hole or an atomic bomb went off over the gophers of Hiroshima. 

You should get the drift in this to do that beatitudes in blessed are the peacemakers as they shall inherit the earth, if that is how Jesus put it. You let the world pass by, because it is passing away, and something better is coming. For every person who was upset that there were no more dinosaur steaks due to events, there were people who were glad as they hated dinosaur steaks. It is all in how you look at things, and that is how you look at things in not worrying about them, as you do not make yourself your worst enemy as that is the worst enemy most of you have.

So you unplug from this upheaval as you have nothing in it, and there are better things in rummaging around the ruins of all those people afterwards who got all worried and stroked out.

Just remember the Lame Cherry advice. You don't have to get involved in anything, including Wormwood, in things that will happen and you have no control over, because you always have control and decide, what you get involved in.

Nuff Said

