Thursday, September 5, 2024

Of Nuclear War & Civil War


I haven't bathed in four weeks, I don't brush my teeth,  I threw my tampons away,
I'm preparing for nuclear war and a civil war against the world.
This is the finger that starts the Obama dream come Kamala reality!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the coming fraud elections to America, there are two issues which will be the center from to the elections to 2025 AD in the year of our Lord. and that is nuclear war and civil war, which has been generated out of Obama Inc. and expanded exponentially by the Biden Harris regime.

In that the reality is, Donald Trump is a proven President whose finger secure in that power over the nuclear button at 3 AM to not press it. Kamala Harris has shown that she can not even secure the borders with here flip flopping hand.

The same is the case for JD Vance, who has shown self control and strength in the civil unrest in America, while Tim Walz is the choice if you want to burn down America as he burned down Minnesota.

The choice is clear. Donald Trump met with Robert Kennedy jr and listened to him. Kamala Harris slammed the door in RFK's face.

I believe we are going to have to have a strongman to settle the situation off the Obama Biden Harris Walz high boil, if it is Harris Walz it will become a steam furnace blast involving nuclear war and civil war which is being generated by design. Trump Vance have shown the inner ability to show strength to bring things back from the edge.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will expand this American extinction from the Obama Bush group. Things will get worse in nuclear war and a civil war, both against Americans. Donald Trump and JD Vance will be a pause in what is engulfing the world. It will not be flowers and peace, but it will not be in this next year nuclear bombs and the FBI sweeping across America to round up millions of political prisoners.

Nuff Said

