Sunday, September 8, 2024

The United States has Ended NATO

King Charles says you have to die for us as you got our nukes now.
I don't think radioactivity is dangerous anyway as I'm not afraid of my microwave.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the following headlines from Rense there is story explaining that London has handed over nuclear warfare to the United States Pentagon, meaning America will now defend, fight and maintain the British nuclear force, which means that NATO is finished, as what has Obama been taking place and Donald Trump will finish implementing is an Australian led London defense in Asia and an American led defense in Europe for London. Americans will be the primary force in both theaters, but we are seeing the genesis of an ANGLAMAUS, an England, American, Australian defense alliance where America is the nuclear target and the tripwires as London and Sydney.

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This is the same Obama Shift and Donald Trump is going to be on the same rocket on a rail policy, as this separates out England from Germany, with the Russians fighting in Europe. The Problem is the Russians have already stated that this war comes into America if Americans missiles out of Kiev start blasting Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There is a desperation in this Obama led group of International Socialist in an attempt to get this war started before the election to force Donald Trump to continue the fight. What Donald Trump should be engaged in is, informing the British that America will be PAID to build and service their weapons, but they are doing the fighting and being targeted with their wog forces as England can't get 100 White People to serve on those nuke submarines they have.

This is a titanic shift in alliance structure and no one is noting it. America now has London trying to get Americans nuked by Russia for England firing nukes, Kiev Ashkejews trying to start a war with Moscow to get America nuked in that, and then the Tel Aviv Ashkejews are busy fomenting the Iranian nuke war which will get Americans nuked by Russia, China and Iran.

I would expect a black swan series of events to move this along, and as Joe Biden has survive the Kamala coup part two to remain in the White House, the structures above will continue to move unabated into November and then January.

America now controls and holds England's nuclear weapons, so London is not the target, DC is.

Officials deleted a long-standing sunset clause that required it be renewed every 10 years. 

All references to an “expiry date” have been removed “to make the entirety of the MDA enduring, securing continuing cooperation with the U.S.,” according to a memorandum signed by Defence Secretary John Healey.

Kate Hudson from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) told Declassified: “This spells farewell to even the smallest notion of parliamentary responsibility for Britain’s foreign and defence policies.” 

The 1958 President Eisenhower safeguard gap has been removed.

Nuff Said
