Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Primate for War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Make no mistake about this, the United States would be at war today if Dictator Joe Biden had not brought the US back from the edge by denying the use of British Storm Shadow Missiles by the Kiev regime, which would require US satellite positioning and British soldiers guiding these missiles from locations inside of Ukraine.

Let the Lame Cherry be explicit in this so you understand. The greatest threat to world stability in this period before the US elections is a cabal, and all of you have witnessed this for years and in this group it is the Bush family, Obama Inc. , the Neocons of the Cheneys, and the Kaganites led by Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland, linked up with London and Tel Aviv, meaning MI6 and Mosaad with John Brennan's joined at the hip off book intelligence departments.

Does not make any difference in it being Russiagate to Bulter. This is the group.

In 2019, Blinken teamed up with arch-neoconservative Robert Kagan to write a Washington Post op-ed arguing for more aggressive use of U.S. power abroad and against U.S. domestic trends towards non-interventionism.

With Kagan’s wife Nuland out of the Biden Administration and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan crucially siding with the realists, Blinken has emerged as the undisputed leader of who George H.W. Bush called the “crazies in the basement.”

That was 30 years ago. The neocons are in the penthouse now and only the restraint of the Pentagon and Sullivan’s persuasion brought Biden back from the brink.

These Kaganites are not reformed communists. I need to touch on this as no one gets the definitions. It was reformed communist, Irving Kristol who became a new conservatives under Ronald Reagan against the Soviets. They are "right wing". These Kaganites never did reform from Marxism and are the Jewish element in this which joined with the Neocons in this phobic Russian hatred which never ended with the Polish Prince, Zbigniew Brzezinski. It does not matter if it is the converted to Jewry, Ashkenaz of Ukraine or the Poles nursing wounds of Russians kicking their asses, they are all festering in the same Trump Derangement Syndrome for anything Russia.

That includes their well funded Sean Homo Hannity, Mark Levin, Ben shorty Shapiro and whatever other propaganda spew is out there which has over voiced the genocide of Christians in Ukraine and the holocaust of Philistines in Gaza, and are gearing up for more genocide in Lebanon.

Joe Biden stopped the next world war from starting in the Arlington meeting with the British PM, Stamer or whatever that Norman troll is named. They are not going to stop though in this Norman Jewry alliance as the want Russia broken up, looted and if it takes greater parts of America and Europe incinerated, that is this bunkerstate's nutty final solution, as they are busy erasing and replacing Christian on every continent.

This cabal is going to get what it is driving. It may manifest as a nuclear 9 11 in America or it may be the assassination of Vladimir Putin, but it is all to start this next world war.

This group is the source and the threat and everyone knows it, but no one ever mentions this alliance. 

You dig far enough into this, and you will find the Missing Link which this blog has warned every reader of as this is where this all came from.

This cabal either gets Russia now, or they settle for Donald Trump, doing the Obama shift to break up China in another Goddamned war, and try to get Russia that way in being isolated and through the back door, probably around 2030 AD in the year of our Lord, or whenever Mr. Putin naturally dies, and the cabal then unleashes a putsch of rival factions.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


He is a rare example of a subject in Mueller's two-year-probe flouting prosecutors and then avoiding charges. Others, such as Trump adviser Roger Stone, flouted Mueller and were subsequently indicted.
"The moral to the story is a good defense is a good offense," said Corsi's attorney Larry Klayman. "We brought a bar complaint against [Mueller] and his prosecutors, and we sued him for $350 million for violating Jerry's constitutional rights. Mueller came to the conclusion it wasn't worth it to string Jerry up."
"It's like when you put the bar on your steering wheel. The crook goes and steals another car," Klayman said. "You have to understand how Washington works, and you have to be street-smart."

In all of this though, there remains the fact that Jerome Corsi was not the missing link. Therefore Robert Mueller should have still been looking for the missing link, instead of shutting down the investigation. Unless of course this blog in focusing on the Missing Link, is what caused the investigation to close down.

It has been deduced here that Robert Mueller was protecting the Missing Link in already knowing this entity's identity. That is what this entire investigation was about, in discovering who knew and who did not know who the Missing Link was.

Nuff Said

