Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kamala Diddy or Did Her?

phreakin' out wit dah motorboatin mama kamala

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is absolute Rape Blackmail shrouded all through P Diddy's parties, and the reason there is smoke and fire in all of this is the Obama's were at those child sex rape parties and this all surfaced when Big Mike was about to displace Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee in October.

Twice now Obama Inc has reared the ugly head to perform a coup. The first time was the Sous Chef murder were the Fag Image late was beat up by Big Mike over this and this placed the coup against Joe Biden onto Nancy Pelosi because the Obama's were dirty.

Now in the P Diddy saga, another phase of this has appeared as Big Mike was checked after rumors appeared that Mike had sodomized Justin Bieber as a child. Now the link is that John Podesta's Pizza Gate has arisen again with P Diddy rape parties and the woman who was molesting children was Kamala Harris in this orgy of disgusting evil.


All of this is coming out of the Black Community who only got turkeys tossed at them by the Obama's for 8 years, a dead Black Obama sex partner in Donald Young, and being lectured at, that the Black Experience Barack Obama of White Priv and the Black Experience of Wog India Harris was superior to the American Black Experience of the Lyndon Johnson plantation.

This was Kalifornia and that is where Kamala was raised up from in jailing Blacks or queers. The rumor is there and it is being linked. Does the FBI have files of Kamala Harris' Wog Ass naked in a room with children?

That question should be asked by the dinosaur media as Harris has gone double dose on the dope she is self medicating with.

Nuff Said

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